Chapter 4: Shadow of An Angel

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"Why hasn't he woken up?" Dominic's voice pierced through the fog in my head, sending an ache shooting from one temple to the other. "I don't know, Ryo. He has been using his ability much more than usual, and that final reaction must have pushed him too far. But look, he's starting to move," Laelynn said softly, her voice a little more soothing to my head.

"Lion? Are you awake?" Dominic asked softly, this time regulating his voice so it wouldn't press too hard against my eardrums. I groaned, my head pounding. What the hell happened? "Love, can you open your eyes?" Dominic asked again and I moved my face to the direction of his voice, a frown creasing my forehead.

My eyes fluttered open and the first thing I saw was Dominic's worried yet relieved brown eyes, my head in his lap. "Bear?" I whispered, my throat sore and my voice raspy. I looked around for a half a second to see that everyone except Dominic, Laelynn and Denley were asleep before looking back up at my boyfriend.

"Thank gods you're awake, you just collapsed yesterday," Dominic said, the despair and worry in his voice making me feel guilty. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for anything to happen. Can I get a little water?" I asked faintly and Laelynn nodded, handing me a new bottle. I opened it and quickly took a couple mouthfuls, feeling relieved as the cool water filled my mouth. It was rare that I could feel anything cold.

"Ban contacted us this morning, he said he and Zee almost have the plan figured out and should be getting us out sometime later today," Dominic said and I nodded, letting myself feel a little hope and relief. Not too much, in case they couldn't do it, but a little.

I nodded and made a movement as if I were going to sit up, Dominic seeing this and helping me sit up. He kept his arm around me as I leaned against the wall, sighing tiredly. "That's good, at least. How's everyone here doing?" I asked and Laelynn replied, "The three newbies are alright, they answered all the questions from everyone and seemed to be accepted as our own. Peklo and Nasnan are still a little wary about them, and Chev, but they haven't done anything."

I nodded and stretched, trying to get some feeling back in my tired limbs. "As long as there isn't any problems before Ban and Zee get here, I think we'll be fine. Maybe we'll just stay in here and work on our abilities while we wait. I'm sure there's going to be some kind of battle while we try to escape," I said and Dominic nodded, frowning nervously.

"Hakan, promise me something," Dominic said softly and I looked at him curiously. "Almost anything, Bear," I said and he sighed. "Try not to overdo it today, use your ability as little as possible, please. Until we find out what's making you so tired after a single use of it," He said softly and I smiled softly at him.

"I promise, love. I'll try not to overdo it, but only try. If I see someone who is in dire need of help, I will use my ability, I'm not going to let anyone get hurt if I can help it," I said and he looked at me for a second before nodding slowly. "I guess that's enough," he said and I lifted his hand and pressed a kiss to his knuckles.

"I'm not going anywhere, I can promise that," I said firmly and he gave me a faint smile. "I'll hold you to that, Paxton Levitt," he whispered almost inaudibly and I pulled him down for a quick kiss.

"Ugh, enough with the cuteness, you're going to give me diabetes with how sweet you are," Laelynn joked and I raised an eyebrow at her. I pulled her closer to me and pressed rapid kisses all over her cheeks and forehead, making her squeal in protest, giggling the entire time.

"Dammit, Hakan!" Laelynn gasped when I finally let her go, a smirk on my face. Dominic was giggling, bringing a smile to my face. I noticed Denley watching us with an amused look and he glanced down at Jesse and Keene, who were curled up against the wall, the younger of the two pressed against the dark haired boy's chest.

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