Campus Musings

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My father dropped me off at the school with a hug.
"Good luck, and behave." He said cautiously. "We can't have you getting kicked out of another school, can we?"
"Suppose not." I said plainly.
He left as I walked towards the front entrance that we had been at two weeks ago. A person resembling a prefect walked up to me, he was portly and sweaty, gross. He spoke to me with a voice that sounded as if he had cotton in his mouth.
"Hello, you are the new student I presume?" He said or at least that's what I think he had said, it was hard to tell.
"Yes." I said.
"Good. Now please follow me and I will show you the grounds, then lead you to your room. I'm assuming you read the packet containing the rules?" He finished sounding rather bored with everything.
"Yes." I replied.
"You don't talk much, do you boy?" He mused.
"No." Was my short and slightly curt response, for he was starting to get on my nerves. Noticing this he got on eye level with me, which wasn't hard due to his short stature.
"Don't get an attitude with me boy! I'll have you know I graduated top of my class! And I will not-
"Shut it." I interjected, For I was NOT going to be talked down to by some ass in suit. This had him seething with rage, it looked like he was going to tear me a new one when someone else walked up.
"Hey, leave the boy alone you tart! I couldn't name a single person here that would want to listen to a windbag like you, list off his pathetic credentials!"
I looked at the new person that had entered the fray and sized him up. He was tall and lanky creating a stark contrast between him and the portly man.
"Just wait until the headmaster hears about this! You both will be kicked from the school to never return!" He yelled rather indignantly.
"Sod off, you loon! Why don't you go take that oxygen wasting mouth of yours somewhere else!"
This argument was getting very heated, there must be some bad blood between these individuals. Sighing, I sat down on the grass. While a storm of curses and insults raged above me. This was honestly starting to become moronic, well more moronic then it had started out as which was saying something. Eventually though they stopped their idiotic tirade of an argument, this was mainly due to the portly man running out of breath and passing out where he stood. I relished the silence that now filled the air, feeling the headache they had given me lessen. The lanky man turned to me but not before he had laughed at the portly man falling over.
"What's your name kid?" He asked.
"Jack." Was my exasperated reply.
"Hehe, sorry you had to witness that. The sow is always stirring up trouble." He said half heartedly apologizing. "Now I will be showing you around, all right?" I nodded my reply, not feeling up to the task of speaking with him. "Okay, let's go. Please follow me." He instructed.
We walked to the front entrance and he opened the doors, and just like that I was back in the school once more. He lead me through the hallways until we came across a small room he opened it, and gestured me to go in front of him. I did as told and walked into the room. There was a single bed crammed up against the wall, I also noticed a desk that had been carved from the the wall.
"This is your dorm. Treat it as you would your house, for it is." He stated a matter of factly. I set my belongings down and he motioned me out of the room. "Now for the rest of the tour."
I opened the door to my room and laid on my bed for the tour had been rather exhausting. We had been all over the place! Talking about this and that while I couldn't care less, though I didn't voice that opinion. All I wanted was to learn how to preform surgery and study the human body, so there was no need to show me the stature of a three-hundred year old dead guy. I sighed deeply as I relaxed into the bed for despite its rather messy appearance, it was quite comfortable. The final words the man had left me on echoed through my head.
"And don't forget that classes start tomorrow!"
This had been the only good part of the tour as it had given me something to look forward to. Perhaps the strangest part of the tour had been when we had stopped in front administrative offices, has i had over heard two people talking.
"He's mental! How the hell was he allowed to enroll here?!" Said a female voice full of concern and worry.
"I know! I read up on his test results and it was terrifying! Don't know if I think this to be a safe place anymore!" Another voice that I was able to identify as the headmaster's said.
This had peaked my interest greatly, who could they be talking about? I wasn't sure and before I had time to listen further I was pulled along by the lanky prefect, as he wanted to teach me about the wonders of the school bathrooms. Ugh, that had been gross and I was glad that what I had eaten had time to settle. Speaking of the topic didn't the prefect mention something about dinner? Ah, he had hadn't he? Yes I believe he said that it would be around six when dinner would be served. I looked at the clock that was above my door, that I had just noticed it due to its position in the room. It read five forty five which meant that I had fifteen more minutes till dinner was served. Might as well just rest till then after all it's not like I have anything better to do.

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