| cheat pt.2

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* Just want too add; Thank you @Mad_MrsPotato_Head for requesting the imagine in the first place and @MikaelsonsForever for the idea of part two! :)*

Last time on cheat part one...

So you told her, about the girl at the game and about the text messages and the phone call. You felt a little sorry for the next time he saw you and Lydia together...


You watched Lydia drive away from the comfort of your bed room before slumping against your closed door to keep everyone else out. You had told Lydia not to tell anyone else about what happened, you'd tell them that night at the pack meeting. Malia would be there too, which is exactly why you were doing it then. She needed to suffer as well.

Slowly you crawled over to your bed and climbed in, still in your leggings and t-shirt from after the party. But, you didn't care. You just wanted to sleep, which would allow you to stop thinking about Brett and what had happened. You fell asleep thinking about the last date you had at the movies, wondering if he had been cheating then... Yet you wouldn't know and that was what killed you the most. When had it started?

When you woke you your back was sore and your legs were still asleep. You saw your alarm clock, which hadn't gone off yet, which read an hour before you usually got up. You sighed, knowing there was no chance of you getting back to sleep now. You decided to get up and get ready anyway, it was better than doing nothing and the more you did the less you could think about Brett.

You turned on your phone, 47 missed calls and 26 from an unknown number. You guess Brett had asked someone else if he could borrow their phone to text you. Wonder what he said to them, he wouldn't have told them the truth. You smiled to yourself as you imaged him asking Liam. Liam wouldn't have let him borrow the phone, he was always making sure you were okay and always said that if Brett did anything to you that you had to tell him. He had never liked Brett to begin with, this would make him snap.

You switched onto the youtube app and turned on your favourite song and pushed the volume up until it wouldn't go any further.

You were ready with ten minutes spare, thanks to the ended concert you put on during the middle of getting ready. You had found it a little embarrassing that you'd done it, although no one had seen you so it wasn't as bad. You walked down stairs, there was a cold slice of toast on the table. Ignoring the toast you left the house, shouting bye to whoever was in the bathroom.

The walk to the bus stop didn't take you long, and you arrived with 2 minutes until the bus was set to come. You hoped that Liam didn't get the bus, he would ask why you weren't with Brett. You didn't want to say you were still together, maybe saying you broke up with him was a better way of putting it. It happened like that too, just with some circumstances. You leaned against the wall by the bus stop and looked at the floor, which is not something you found interest in.

The bus was on time. You climbed on and found a seat near the back of the bus, then your phone beeped again. Your first thought was Brett, then when you checked it wasn't. It was Liam. 'Didn't you see me??' It read. You tilted your head at your phone, what did he mean? Someone coughed behind you, spinning your head round you saw Liam grinning at you from the seat behind. You smiled, you hadn't seen him.

"What are you doing on the bus? Where's Brett?" He asked, looking around to see if he was there. He clearly wasn't.

"I broke up with him," You said, Liam had moved to sit beside you and was hugging his bag against his chest.

"You what?" He asked, his eyes wide with the shock. You smiled a little, he was right. This was a surprise, you always said that you'd never leave Brett and you thought he might have said the same, shame it didn't happen that way.

Brett Talbot imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن