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I've decided. Today I'm going to end this all. Ethan need to answer for all the wrongs he did. He need to be punished for all the people he killed; my unborn baby, my dad and now he's even hurt Aaron.

Enough is enough.

I was all ready for the dinner tonight.

I wore a nice black dress.

I still can't believe I'm about to do this

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I still can't believe I'm about to do this. I'm about to meet the person who was the reason behind my every sorrow and suffering.

But I need to. I need to go. I need to put an end to all of this.

Since dad's death his car just kept lying like this, rotting. Today I decided to take his car. I always wanted a car and how funny it is--- I finally got it by the death of my dad.

I got in the car and memories of my dad flooded back to me.

I shook my head. This time all I need is to focus on the task on hand--- meeting Ethan.

I drove the car to the apartment of that man who killed the owner of this car.

I knocked at the door of a murder and a rapist.

Waiting for him to open the door, I checked for news on Aaron.

I read the news title:

/*/Billionaire still unconscious/*/

Reading the recent news of him still being unconscious made me sad, but more determined to face Ethan.

Ethan opened the door. Standing on the door with a huge smile on his face and wearing a suit, he was really enjoying it all.

I can't believe how I resisted myself from hitting him harder and harder--- just the way he hit Aaron with a bat.

With an expressionless face, I entered his apartment. The whole place was neat. That was something I wasn't expecting from him because when we used to live together he barely took care of any of his things.

Looking at everything so clean--- I was amazed.

He led me to the lounge where candles were lit and I could see delicious meals lying on the table.

He really had this all planned out.

He took me to the chair and made me sit on it. I sat and he sat in front of me, the table dividing us.

I really didn't want to be near this person and eating with him--- it was difficult for me, but then I had to do this.

"Shall we begin?" he was acting like a gentleman which I knew he wasn't.

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