Chapter 8

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Grayson's P.O.V.

My alarm went off,I opened my eyes,the first thing to see was Ethan's arms around my bare waist,I blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes.

'E wake up,we're gonna be late for school.'I gently shook him.

He usually says fuck off when I wake him up but this time he didn't even shook a little.I wonder if he's alive.

'Ethan?Hey wake up!'I raised my voice a little bit.

He was covered in sweat,his body was very warm,I got worried and shook him stronger,finally he opened his eyes.

'Uh..'He rubbed his eyes and put his hand on his head.

'My head hurts so bad and my throat..'He whispered and coughed.

'Oh my god Ethan,let's see if you have any temperature.'I got up from my bad and rushed in mom's room,she had thermometer there,I found it in her first aid kit and went back to Ethan.

'Open your mouth.'I instructed.

'I'm not putting that thing in my mouth,give it to me.'He made a funny face and put it in his right armpit.

'I'll probably leave it for 5-7 minutes.'He said to himself and sat on the bed.

'You're obviously ill,you can't go to school..and I can't leave you because you may need help..'I started talking to myself.

'Gray chill,I'll be okay without you.'He chuckled.

'No I can't leave you E,what if you get very ill and I won't be here.'I said in a panicked voice.

'Haha,nothing's gonna happen and you can leave for a few hours too,don't miss school because of me and it's twenty fucking first century I can call you anytime I want to.'His tone was calming.

'Okay..but I'll be back as soon as possible,I'll order pizza for you in case you are hungry..what'I  agreed to leave him but I was still thinking what he may need.

'Oh wait,I'll look for some paracetamol in case your temperature gets worse,how much is it?'I asked him.


'Oh my god that's a lot.'I bit my lip and went to grab some paracetamol from my mom's room.

'Ethan what if you..'

'I'll be fucking alive when you arrive okay?!'I was about to say something but he cut me off by yelling,I know he's annoyed I don't accuse him for being mad at me.

I grabbed paracetamol and I suddenly remembered that Anna might help me,I'll ask her if she can stay with Ethan for a few hours.

I took my phone from my bed and dialed Anna's number,luckily she answered.

'Hey Anna,how are you?'

'I'm fine Gray,what's up?'She asked.

'I was wondering if you can help me with something?'


'Ethan is ill,can yo stay with him for a few hours until like 3pm?'

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