Chapter 1

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Dublin. The city were one can find all types of people. From young to old, from flawless to wrinkled. From nice to arrogant, from chick to old fashioned.

Dublin is also the best place for a teenager to grow up in, whatever their dreams might be. Some like to call Dublin the place where one can reach his or her aims, no matter how dangerous or impossible they might be. Another thing which makes Dublin one of the best places for a teenager to live in is that every Irish person has their own individuality. People won’t point their finger at you and say something bad because of an action you did. They will just treat you the way you treat them, and most importantly, everybody is accepted.

Speaking about jobs, the level of employment was quite high as the supply for labour increased among the years, especially because of the increase concerning the young population. Dublin was drowning with teenagers. And you know what the best thing is? Any person could be anything they want to be. If someone wanted to be a lawyer, they ended up as lawyers, and same goes for doctor, vet etc.

But Dianna and Skylar, two normal teenagers living a normal life, didn't want any of these high class jobs where you put on a different identity when you're around clients. They wanted the job that showed their true natural self in front of people. Being stuck in an air-conditioned office with just papers and pens accompanying them was probably their worst nightmare.

And now, being eighteen years of age, their dream job came true. They were now strippers.

They have never thought that they can actually start stripping at that age. It was all a dream for them. A weird dream, people may call it. For most, being a stripper means that stripping down your values and everything that makes you a good person. The dream of getting a career with a pole was first planted into Skylar’s mind when she ‘accidently’ browsed the internet for stripping shows, which, back at that time, was out of curiosity. Being sixteen, Skylar knew a thing or two about what being naughty means, and she definitely wasn’t seeing those videos and photos out of desire. Skylar adored the way they sent many messages through their eyes that were floating in dramatic make up. Dianna had been her best friend since her memory could hold on to, meaning that she was the first to know about her new aspiration.

Dianna was shocked at first. Was her best friend actually saying that she had been spending many nights watching girls getting stripped in front of men? After constant begging from her blue eyes best friend, Dianna decided to give Skylar a try to show her what she was talking about.

The nights that followed afterwards were spent with both of them sitting on the couch and browsing information about the most popular strippers and what is the main equipment one has to personally have to become a stripper.

Obviously, they didn’t tell their parents about their sudden desires and the more the both of them wanted to specialize in that specific profession, they more secretive they’ve been to the society. On the day before Dianna’s eighteenth birthday, they made a pact that once they both aged eighteen and became legal adults, they would help each other achieve they dream.

What had once been a great afternoon with Dianna and Skylar accompanying their families for Skylar’s eighteenth birthday party, turned out to be a nightmare. Skylar confessed that they were going to find a job as a stripper and Dianna supported her with a similar confession. Being thrown out of their own home wasn’t exactly a surprise to both of them. They knew their parents wouldn’t understand their reasons and so they didn’t expect them to.

Six months passed by like a thunder clap and the two girls were now living together in an apartment that they rent from their savings.  Soon enough, their stripping money would be providing them a larger roof to live under.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2012 ⏰

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