Bucky Barnes - The Adventures of Frosty the Hitman and the Chocolate Milk Bandit

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Brace yourselves - it's a long one, guys.

The team watches fondly as you and Sam sprint down the corridors of Stark Towers. You and Sam got along like a house on fire, but you were always winding each other up, playing pranks on each other, and occasionally teaming up to play pranks on the rest of the team.

From the second you set foot in the tower, they all fell in love with you. And who could blame them? You were adorable. Everything you did warmed the hearts of others, from washing Tony's suits for him, to plaiting flowers into Steve's hair, to crying hysterically whilst binge watching Doctor Who.

You burst into the room, squealing "hide me!" at the top of your lungs. Laughing, Thor pulled you behind his body, draping a blanket over your giggling form. Sam stalked in, a look of thunder in his eyes as he scanned the room for you. The only person in the room who was not laughing, was Bucky Barnes. No matter how hard you tried, you could not get Bucky to like you. Nothing worked. You had baked for him, fixed his jacket when it tore, made him coffee just the way he liked it, but he was just as cold and aloof. You didn't get it. Why didn't he like you? Tony had told you not to worry about it, that 'Frosty the Hitman' didn't really like anyone, except from Steve. But he didn't really seem to actively dislike anyone, except you.

Bucky grunted, standing up and stalking out the room. Sam pulled a face behind his head, making Y/N giggle through the throw blanket that concealed you. Instantly, Sam leapt on you, tickling you as "punishment for your sins", rendering you oblivious to the communicative looks your teammates were exchanging.

From an outsider's' perspective, it looked very much like two simultaneous seizures, but the series of eye rolls and flinging hands were over the welfare of a certain angry soldier. None of the team had any idea what had gotten Bucky so riled up, but they intended to find out.

Eyes squeezed shut, you pulled the comforter up to your face, your hands clenched around the soft cotton. For the last twenty minutes, a constant stream of loud noises, largely consisting of crashes and expletives, had come from directly beneath you. You weren't stupid; you were fully aware of the risks of being in Stark's tower and it had been ambushed overnight before. The last time someone broke in, you had gone to investigate and ended up with a knife in your thigh. It had been excruciatingly painful, and you were in no hurry to endure either the stabbing or the many, many stitches you'd had as a result again.

However, Stark had upped his security game and the voice was strangely familiar. You guessed it was Steve, seeing as he had proved himself quite the insomniac. Like you, he had awful nightmares and you would not wish to let anyone suffer through them alone

You crept down the stairs, taking utmost care to tread lightly as you did. You would hate to wake anyone.

"Steve?" You whispered, pushing open the door to the kitchen. "Stevie, are you okay?"

You were met with silence, no sign of the person who had been making such a noise not five minutes earlier. Your shoulders dropped, your eyes scanning the kitchen just in case you had missed them.

Well, seeing as you were up, you might as well get yourself a chocolate milk.

The little tub of powder resided on the top shelf in the cupboard, roughly a foot too high for you to reach. Ordinarily, you would get someone to reach it for you, or climb on a chair. However, you did not fancy your chances of wrestling with furniture at 3am.

So you climbed.

You had done it many times before, so it was practically second nature. You balanced yourself on your knees on the countertop, reaching up for the chocolate powder. Your hand found it in the dark, and you triumphantly wrapped your fingers around the little jar, sliding it off its shelf.

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