The prince part 2

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When my mom finally said it "you two will be uh will be um" "mom just spit it out already!" "Okay you two will be skipping a grade" "wait what mom seriously mom."Then Nadia looked up at me laughing it was like she knew the whole entire time did she know?anyways when we finished our breakfast we went to the limousine to greet Nadia's sister Kyla again her sister didn't look anything close to Nadia she had dark blue hair with a hint of mint to be honest she was pretty cute."So did your mom tell you guys" "of course she did but I thought she was gonna tell us about the engagement." "So she didn't tell you guys then"every thing got quit after that especially Nadia she glaced at me once and then looked back out the window like something was wrong.I tried asking​ her once but she responded and said that there was nothing wrong with her when there obviously is something wrong but instead of leaving her alone I decided to bother her.I started poking her she started to hit my hand every time I poked her as soon as she began to squeeze my hand I started asking her if she was mad."hey Nadia are you mad huhuh are you come on at least tell me what's wrong" "your face is what's wrong" "that wasn't nice at all matter fact that wasn't even funny you know why because I'm cute and adorable."She started laughing after that one she was about to speak until our limousine driver opened the door.When we got out all the girls were screaming my name even my crush Tera Glutman Nadia said she doesn't want me to get a girlfriend but I want one anyways I don't know if Nadia likes me at all in the type of way those other girls do.When we went in the school I saw a few of my friends Zack and Leroie.when we got too them nadia walked away like they didn't exist."hey lev how ya doin" Leroie said in excitement "just fine"I said with a I have girl trouble voice."bro what happened this time"said zack in a wow this isn't the first time voice."she stoped talking to me"I shouted "you mean she stoped talkin to you again right"said Leroie.
Oh yeah this isn't the first time this has happened there was first grade where she got mad because I ate one of her fruit sanck.

Flash back_

"You ate my favorite fruit snack"yelled Nadia "so its just a fruit snack"I said "well it was my favorite and you know it"Nadia furiously screamed. After that incident we got put in time out and Nadia didn't talk to me for three weeks.That's why I cannot screw up this friendship again.


"I'll talk to her after class"I said very bing

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