It's a carpet

72 8 10

Idk what that title is. I just have to give my tag chappies random names.

I got tagged by fanOfJay. So thx I guess?

Tag rules:

1- Title must be lit

2- Must be done within a week or you have to post a video of you dancing (I published that 3 days ago but there was a glitch with Wattpas.. :/)

3- Post 13 facts about yourself

4- Tag 15 people

5- Can't refuse


1- I'm a 14-years-old girl with a bad obsession over a LEGO cartoon called Ninjago.

2- I'm Egyptian .-. .

3- Music is my life. I love One Direction, Sia, Ed Sheeran, and Sam Tsui ♡_♡. (started to obssess over Imagine Dragons a few days ago)

4- I have a biiiig wild sadistic weird evil imagination and I like to write sadistic stuff. >:-)

5- I have pretty much nothing to write and am currently writing whatsoever garbage I can find.

6- A few days ago when I had writer's block, I thought I should try writing random stuff, like free-writing kind of stuff. The first things I wrote was the word chains, and I ended up writing a scene about a prisoner being whipped and beaten up by his kidnapper.

7- I also drew that.

8- My drawing is not THAT good, but it's good enough to design OCs and stuff like that.

9- My current fav song is Sucker For Pain/Believer (can't decide :P

10- I speak Arabic (Mother language), French (1nd language at school), and English (2rd language and I'm good at it NOT because of school -.-), and I'm still learning Spanish from Dulingo.

11- I like to use keyboard faces instead of emojis ~(•♢•)~ 🐥. (I made that, it's not in my keyboard.)

12- I just wrote those facts about me that you are reading now.

13- Reminder that I have an evil imagination:

13- Reminder that I have an evil imagination:

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Now to the tags >:-) (Sorry)

11-Springtrap6768 (u can tell I'm pretty much desperate since I'm tagging ur 2nd acc :/)
13-LloydLovesCandy5657  (same here...)
14-Wattpad  (I have no one else to tag kay?)
15-TheWattys  (.....)

U don't know how hard it was to find 15 ppl to tag..

I just hate humans...

So I'mma go now. Byeeee <3.


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