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From the start, it was blank

Slumbering from nothingness

You see me, I see you but there's nothing to be done

Nothing to fill because there was no gap at all

I am new to you and I see you differently too

But just both looking, that's all

It never reach the bottom

You have her but that I never knew—it doesn't matter

And from the middle, you started to mingle

Setting footprints on the door—it marked

You were happy and I was too

You knew it too well and you did my bottom fell

Sure, you catch it quickly because you couldn't wait too, couldn't wait to tell

And yes, the blank started to have pages. Filled.

Now, you see me as a part of you and I see you as a half of me—bound, committed

All was you to me and me to you—I thought

But when final came, there was a lot of me to you

You started to speak but it was too late

I'm done with your trick

-Not Anymore

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