Chapter 1

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Joseph P.O.V

     Finally I'm done with the grocery shopping, and now it's time for me to head to my boyfriend's home. We're going to celebrate our 5th anniversary, and i decided to do something different this year instead of going out to eat at some fancy restaurant, I will prepare all of Michael's favorite meal. 

     I decided to call out of work today to prepare everything at Michael's house before he came back from work later tonight. Parking into the building's garage, I make my way to his apartment. Opening the door I hear movements coming from the bedroom, I make my way to the room and open the door.

    "Oh my god, I think I'm going to throw up." In the bedroom was my dear boyfriend well ex now, fucking some old geezer. I mean if you're going to cheat on me at least cheat on me with someone  that's more attractive, not some old guy who as this point is on thrust away from a heart attack.

    "Jojo! Baby, what are you doing here?"

    "Well I was going to give you a surprise dinner for our anniversary but clearly you beat me in the surprise category. You know what?  I'm leaving and I'm taking the grocery, you don't deserve using the food I bought."

   "Wait Jojo I can explain."

  "No need I have eyes, I can see what happened. I'm going now. You won't have to worry about me no more. Oh and if this wasn't obvious to you, We're through."

   Speed walking to the kitchen and grabbing my bags I run down the hallway into the elevator, tears spilling from my eyes. Once down the garage I go to my car, taking out my keys I open the door and get inside. The minute the seatbelt clicked, I could no longer hold back my tears and I just started to cry. Never in a millions years did I think this would happen to me. After crying for a few minutes I decided that enough is enough, a scumbag like him doesn't deserve my tears. 

     Driving out the garage I decided to head to the one person I can trust and talk to without a problem - my best friend May. May and I knew each other since our junior year in high school and 7 years later and we're still incredibly close. She was actually the person who introduced me to jerk face. 

      I knock on her door, hoping she answers quickly. Between the car and her door, my tears decided it was a good idea to start up again. May opens the door and when she sees me crying she immediately pulled me into a hug. 

     "Oh my poor baby, J what happened?" she asked with a concern tone. I couldn't answer all I did was cry. She guided me to her couch and just let me cry my heart out. Once I was ready I told her everything that happened. 

  "That piece of shit! I'm sorry J, if I would have known he was going to be an ass I would have never introduce you to him."

   "It's ok, not your fault, but it hurts May."

   "I know hun but you'll get over him and find someone much better than him!"

   "Get over someone who I gave 5 years of my life? That is going to be a while before I can finally move on." 

    "I know, but I will help you. Now I have ice cream in the freezer and wine on the counter. I'm going to order pizza and we'll watch all your favorite movies!"

   "Thank you so much May, I don't know what I would have done without you in my life."

     Maya squeezed my hand and gave me a small smile, she then got up and went to order the pizza and bring in the wine. For the rest of the day all we did was pig out and watch movies.

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