g e z e l l i g

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g e z e l l i g

(adj.) cozy, nice, inviting, pleasant, comfortable; connoting time spent with loved ones or togetherness after a long separation

the goal: to write at least 10 pieces, whether poetry or prose, during the month of Autumn and the year of 2017, and post them here

the unofficial goal: to have all of them make you either happy or thoughtful; for them to be the kind of works you can read while curled up on the couch and sipping tea and listening to the rain patter outside

why: I missed writing for you guys

dedication: your lovely self

schedule: roughly one post every ten days (maybe more; the schedule will be fluid)

advance apology: I'm a college student taking 18 hours so I have to steal writing time. Please forgive me for any absences when I should be present. I do see every comment and message.

list of works:

1. g e z z e l i g

the intro

2. f o r e l s k e t

falling in love feels like this

3. t a c e n d a

a letter to my ex lover

4. h y p o p h r e n i a

a wake up slap (in the kindest way possible)

5. q u e r e n c i a

reminiscing already

6. b l i a

a birthday gift to a sweet friend

7. j a s l y n e

the kind of girl God calls His

8. k u t i t a p

tie a knot and hold on

9. s e r e n d i p i t y


10. k a l o n

I am not / I am

11. o n i s m

do not fall in love with my body

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