Chapter Eleven

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Tonys POV

My vision cleared and I looked around.

I was in a stone room with two metal doors, one on each side of me. I was tied to what seemed to be an electrocution chair. I glanced to my left and my mouth gaped open.

Ariella was sitting in the chair next to me. There was a three year old tied to a chair next to me.

I let that sink in for a moment before I took a look around.

There was a window directly in front of me, a very thick window. No one appeared to be on the other side.

I had no idea where Ziva was.

"Ariella?" I said, my voice cracking. "You ok?"

"I want to go home!" she exclaimed, pouting.

"I know, I do too. My name is Tony, I promise you, I will get you out of here," I stuttered.

I wasn't exactly sure how else I was supposed to introduce myself. We never had really met.

The door swung open and in walked Bogati.

"You bastard," I mumbled, forgetting there was a child next to me.

"Well isn't this nice," he said, smiling.

"This is real dramatic, the whole big metal chairs thing."

Ariella made a quiet squeak as Bogati stared her down.

"Let her go, you don't need anything from her."

"Now why would I do that Mr. DiNozzo?" he asked.

"She's a kid Bogati, you can't torture a kid. Why are you even doing this? To make Ziva suffer?"

"Oh no, it has developed into much more than that," he spat. "Adam Eshel killed my family. He is now dead. And soon you will be burning in hell with him, along with pretty little Ariella over here. And once Miss David has seen all the pain and destruction she caused, she'll have a long slow death."

Ariella gave the man a confused look and my nostrils flared. I couldn't believe this guy.

"You're not going to get away with this," I sneered.

"Oh," he laughed, "but I am."

He walked over to a switch and turned it on, a zap of electricity ran through my body.

I bit my lip and it took all my strength not to scream at the top of my lungs. I shut my eyes tight and thought of her.

Her all knowing chocolate brown eyes, curly brown hair, sweet Israeli smile.

Every single thing about her...

Ariella cried next to me, I was barely aware of my surroundings anymore.

Just when I couldn't take anymore he turned the switch off and I gasped for air.

Ariella's screams echoed off the walls, my body still shaking.

I glanced up at the window to see Ziva with her hands on the glass, crying.

Gibbs POV

"Hello?" I answered my cell.

"Gibbs, are Tony and Ziva with you?" Abby asked slowly.

"No, aren't they at ncis?" I said.

"No, they followed you after you left. I have a really bad feeling about this Gibbs."

"Get Bishop to trace them," I ordered.

The call ended as I went back into Adams room.

He had woken up only a few hours ago.

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