Chapter 2

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She had never seen another wolf besides her mother and occasionally her father when he would use his demonic transformation powers. She kept backing up until her back hit a fallen tree log. The black got ready to attack her, she had to think quickly.

Then it hit her. (C/n) stood up and grew bat like wings and flew up into the air. Thank glob they were underneath some shady trees. She would be burning alive if not. The wolf looked up at her in confusion. She smirked and swooped down at the wolf and tried clawed at it. The wolf jumped back before she could land a hit on it. It then jumped up and grabbed the girl by the leg dragging her back down.

"Ow! Ugh, well that was a fail." (C/n) groaned. The back wolf barked and pounced on her and tried to bit down on her, (C/n) struggled pushed back the wolf, she could just feel the wolf mocking her for her weakness. She growled and turned into her wolf form, it threw her attacker off and she used that opportunity to kick it off her with her back legs.

(C/n) growled and pinned the wolf down and smirked. "How do you like me now mutt!?"

"I think you're a dirty vampire that's what!"

"What the? You talk? But only werewolves can-" She gasped and got off of the wolf. "You're a werewolf like me!" Her tail began to wag. The wolf turned back to its human form. It was a young boy, just like his wolf he had brown hair and teal eyes, accompanied by tan skin.

"Tsk, What do you mean like you? From what I have seen you are a vampire, with that flying junk"

"I'm half vampire!" (C/n) said as she turned back. The boy scowled in disgust. "Oh how lovely. What kind of wolf would mate with a vam-..." He trailed off. "You! Are you the daughter of (Y/n)!?"

"Uhh, depends?" Shoot she's done it now. "My father said to stay away from her and that vampire. Now they have a child!"

"Hey now! I-I never said I was their child!"

"It's pretty obvious you are! No other wolf would dare be near a vampire unless they were ripping their heads off!" He smirked. "You saying vampires aren't strong?" (C/n) crossed her arms. "Cause if I remember right, I took you down, didn't I?" She smirked.

"Hmph whatever. You were crying like a baby when I attacked." (C/n)'s face flushed with embarrassment. "I was not crying! You're making that up jerk!" Now it was his turn to smirk. "Oh yes you were,crybaby. Did that vamp teach how to cry like a wimp? Huh?" He laughed. (C/n) growled and clenched her fist tightly.

"So was the vamp gracious enough to give you a name?"

"(C/n)" she muttered. "My name is Kai. Nice to meet you, ya abomination to nature."

"Alright! That's it! Now listen here you-"

All of a sudden a big wolf with black fur and red eyes jumped out of the bushes. The young boy and girl screamed. "Kai. I told you not to go out this far!" He snapped at the boy. "I-i'm sorry father." The boy said quietly.

The wolf directed his attention to the girl. He growled as he stepped towards her. "Who. are. you?" He snarled. She was whimpering. He was about to attack her when another wolf jumped out along with a dark figure.

Marshall Lee X Werewolf! Reader: The Sequel!!!Where stories live. Discover now