Project "W" Part 2

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Everything hurt, my muscles screamed at the stress built up from the wolfsbane ripped at my muscles as we were forced to stand in place like show dogs. The noises was unbearable all sorts of sounds mixed from yelling, crying, rain, thunder, trains, and other dogs barking. Glancing at my friends seeing the same distressed panic looks spread across their faces. I lowered my head letting the cold rain run through my fur I let out a small bark like yelp saying this to my friends who all relaxed at the sound of my voice. "Stop fighting, we can't use up all of our strength, we will need it...everything will be alright." Instantly Sherlock, Mycroft, Molly, John, and Greg stop struggling looking up into the crowd blinding responding. "Kaitlyn is that you?" asked Molly. "Guys are you here? Where are we? I can't see anything, Sherlock what is going on?" asked John shaking his head of water in an attempt to shake off the wolfsbane. "Kaitlyn! I know where we are!" screamed Sherlock. "We need to get out of here! something very bad will happen here!" warned Mycroft. The silver wolf turned his head towards me licking my snout. "Are you ok?" asked Greg. In response I licked his snout rubbing my head against his whispering. "I'm okay, stay close to me love, don't let go."

The courtyard grew increible quiet at the sound of us talking which mostly sounded like growls, whines, and barks to the human ears. Everything seemed to stop as a man in knee high black boots, dark brown baggy like trousers, accompanied with a similar dark brown german military uniform with a red Nazi arm band around his right bicep. Soaked from the rain this man took a riding crop from one of his following SS men. Using the end of the crop he raise my head looking into my white glowing eyes. Narrowing his eyes he smirked at his achievement, as I bared my teeth emitting a low growl from inside my throat. "Well, well...aren't you a pretty one?" smirked Adolf dropping the riding crop to his side running a hand over his face clearing away the rainwater. Waving a hand to his right a SS officer came up beside him awaiting orders. The way he spoke not taking his eyes from mine would send chills down your spine then back up again. "Do we know their names?" he asked calmly studying my eyes as if he could see my human side if he stared deep enough. "No sir, they were transformed already and wouldn't change back." answered the SS. "How much wolfsbane did you inject into them just now?" The SS held out a needle showing that half of the serum was missing, "Only half just to get them out of the cars." Adolf eyed the needle in the young man's hand before speaking. "Only half? Then it should be wearing off isn't it?" he asks turning towards me. "You can change back anytime you want I suppose hmm?....Go on show me who you really are.....SHOW ME!" screamed Hitler grabbing one of my pointed ears dragging my head down roughly.

"ENOUGH!" warns Greg as he lunges forward a bit snapping his teeth making a horrendous bark mixed with a growl. Everyone expect Hitler jumped back in fear when the silver wolf made his warning. Raising an eyebrow Adolf released my ear turning his attention to Greg as well. "Excuse me? What was that?.....oh...are you two together?...." Neither of us answered just an continuous staring contest played out for a few minutes. "Köhler!" screamed Hitler as a the same SS officer who answered his first question stepped forward after flinching at the sound of his name. "Hail Hitler!" he announced trying to hide his emotions. "Inject the silver one with more wolfsbane then teach him a one speaks out to Hitler, exceptionally if they are a wolf." The SS nodded running off to receive another syringe of the deadly serum. Meanwhile men in striped pajamas like uniforms came around us tightening the chains holding myself and Greg. In a matter of seconds the SS returns with a full syringe of wolfsbane heading towards Greg. The whole line of wolves started to rumble as the SS grew closer. Greg and I struggled to throw off the chains as the SS stuck Greg in the neck.

All the fur stood up on Greg's back as all of his senses went sky high; his eye glowing a brighter white than mine as he whimpers in fear and pain. Gritting my teeth I watched powerless as the SS and striped pajama men came up wielding pipes, riding, corps, sticks, really anything up against Greg and I. Desperately I try to reach him to comfort the frightened wolf, but I was tugged away when the first strike was giving by Hitler himself. A single blow on top if top of the head, then followed quickly with blows to the back, head and sides. My heart broke with every swing and crack of bone and metal hitting together, my anger grew also as my heart broke. After about two minutes I couldn't take anymore of the abuse and screamed out in my human voice "STOP!" The swings stopped mid swing as the wolf faded from my appearance. Soon back in human form I scramble to Greg's side picking up his head cradling it in my lap. Stroking his pointed ears, feeling every pained breath, as I kissed his snout. "I'm so sorry Greg, I haven't meant for this to happen." In that instant Greg also begins to lose his wolfish features. Every bruise and cut more clearly displayed on his toned body under his ripped work clothes. "I love you Kaitlyn." he whispered groggily as he pulled my head down connected our lips. 

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