Project "W" Part 1

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The war was on a breaking point for Germany, and the country was really leaning towards surrendering. 4.3 million is the special number in dead and Germany couldn't have that...this war is Germany's for the winning. Even though this is usually the time where the side who is suffering this much should be thinking of surrendering, but an order for a project "W" may change the history of this war. The sound of rain and the splashing of mud and boots could be hear in the city of Berlin. Soldiers and civilians filled the dirty, wet streets scurrying around like chickens with their heads cut off. You would probably describe it as chaos, especially at the train station. Yelling, crying, barking, multiple footsteps, heavy drops of rain and the hiss of trains filled the ears of the young SS as he runs through the crowd of people. Pushing his way through young and old the SS ran like his life depended on it.

Finally reaching the main train station the SS climb the stairs to an secret office of the German Nazis. There he straighten his soaked uniform, clicked his boot heels together, stretches out his arm in a solute like fashion announcing "Hail Hitler!" to the back of a head standing black leather chair. A hand casually waved from the side of the chair signalling the SS to continue. "Project "w" is under restrains and ready for transport, sir." reported a young man. Turning the chair around a man revealed himself to the SS with a glass of scotch in one hand and an evil grin stretched upon his lips. "Good...are they contained separated from the Jews...actually combine the cars, so we can save on Zyklon B, now go." expresses the man. In response the SS once more hits his heels together sluteing agian reciting "Hail Hitler" before leaving.

Whispers and murmurs filled my ears as I raised my head to be faced with many men, women clutching their children. All huddled on the far side of of the train car, blinking away the sedatives I gritted my teeth as I try to stand up. Immediately heavy chains clamped around my neck, wrists and ankles increased the struggle to stand. After some effort and many tries in an attempt to stand, finally I stood at my full height hitting my head against the roof of the car. "Oh no, I can't be..." I think to myself looking down at my hands to see two huge paws. All the men shaking with fear pulled their wives and children behind them as I glanced over to where they stood. Unfortunately once in wolf form I can't speak english, and so I could only speak with my own kind once in wolf form. Whimpering I lay back down in the middle of the car feeling the wolfsbane running through my blood. Only a few minutes went by and the only thing I could do was to curl up into a ball waiting, and thinking of my friends hoping that they are ok. The humans around me soon relaxed enough to keep a distance around my huge form but pray and talk in normal way of life.

What seemed like hours had passed when the feeling of tiny hands running along my fur. Lifting my head I was faced by a young jewish woman, and her baby. "I don't believe you are dangerous..." I slowly nod my head in the most human like way I could muster, as I changed my eyes from their glowing white back to my original hazel color. The woman's eyes grew at the sight as she moved a little closer. "So it's true there are such thing as werewolves....and you understand me?" This time I looked around the car at the shocked eyes before giving a short, soft curt nod. "Please it is so cold and we need heat could" asked an elderly man. After a few seconds I stretched out as far as I could, dragging the heavy chains across the wooden floorboards to have many bodies pressed up against me. The young Jewish woman who had enough courage to come up in the first place ran her hand against one of my pointed ears to get my attention. Looking up at the smiling face I was thanked by a small kiss to the snout, as she whispered in my ear. "Thank you, and to make you feel a little better, when we were loaded onto these cars I saw four men and a women loaded onto the cars behind us." "Maybe you know them?" She asks. In response I wag my tail sitting up enough to respond as a K9. A small giggle escaped her throat as she snuggled up to me falling asleep. "Good they are still alive....they are still alive." I thought to myself before falling to darkness also.

Waking up from my peaceful sleep happened suddenly as the multiple body heat rapidly moved, and a sharp sensation pierced my neck filling me with yet more wolfsbane. The white in my eyes grew brighter as my breathing turned to snarling. I began to pull at the chains around my neck, wrists, and ankles when I kept receiving blow after blow. All my senses were overwhelmed and the sound of yelling from the people around me and the intruders deafen me. Other train car doors opens revealing snarling similar to mine and the people yelling and fighting also. Hands gripped themselves to my body trying to free me of my chains, as I thrash my head baring my teeth at the people holding bats and stun sticks. After some fighting the loud sound of gunfire and bodies hitting the ground filled my ears. The stench of blood filled my nose as I was pulled to the middle of the courtyard like space. Regaining my vision a bit I caught a glimspe of the young women and her baby standing in group of what survived the mass gunfire. A low growl rumbling from my throat as I was knocked onto all fours to the mud. Again I try to gain some of my surrounding when the sight of a silver colored wolf, a light brown color wolf, and a darker brown colored wolf stood beside me in the same appearance as I. Once more gunfire rang throughout the darkness, before many bright spotlights were shown on us. Two roars blared from the trains as a dark brown red wolf and black colored wolf were pulled out of the cars. Slowly the men dragged the roaring wolves into line chaining us to the dirt. 

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