Chapter 2

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Omg I love you guys!!! ALSO I HAVE SOMEONE I WANT YOU ALL TO GO AND CHECK OUT! smuttytaelien writes a story called "home"ophobic and it's the FUCKING BOMB! It's a Namjin and I freaking can't get enough ajjjjjjfkxkenxoenxieje! GIVE THEM LOVE MY BABIES MUAH!!!!

Yoongi's POV

"Hyung I need your help!"  Namjoon cried causing me to sigh.

"What'd you break now?"  I asked getting the super glue from my bag.

"The dance teacher let me use his computer to print an email and the keyboard broke!"  Namjoon explained.

"Jesus Joon."  I mumbled following Namjoon into the dance room.

The room was full of students and a very angry teacher.

"Namjoon did you break my keyboard?!"  The teacher yelled causing Namjoon to shrink.

"That will be a week of detention starting next week and 50$ for a new one."  The teacher sighed.

Shit... Namjoon had an underground rapping tournament after school starting today until next Wednesday... 

"I did it... Namjoon was using it and I asked if I could and uh... oops?"  I lied biting my lip.

"Min Yoongi!  You had to do that on purpose don't lie to me!"  The teacher shook his head.

"I'm calling your mother."  He said turning and walking to his phone.

"Good luck...". Namjoon said making me roll my eyes as I walked out.

I was in for a storm when I got home tonight... a real bad storm.

As I sat down at lunch I saw Jimin look at me from his table.  I looked away but blushed slightly.

"Dude... I can't believe you took the blame for me."  Namjoon said.

"Yeah don't get use it..". I said rubbing my eyes.

"Stay up all night again?"  Namjoon asked smirking.

"I don't need sleep I'm Min Fucking Yoongi."  I mumbled yawning.

Before Namjoon could lecture me Jimin and his friend sat by us.

"I'm Jin and this is Jimin and he wanted to sit with you guys...". Jin said smilimg warmly.

Namjoon waved awkwardly as Jimin looked at me and passed me a note.

I opened the note and smiled at his cute handwriting.

"Dear Yoongi (was that your name?) my entire class saw Namjoon break the keyboard.  Still unsure how he managed it but anyways.  Why did you take the blame?"

I looked at Jimin and motioned for a pen smiling when he handed me one.

"Hey Jimin, Namjoon had something to do after school for a while that's important to him so he wouldn't be able to go to the detentions."  I explained passing him the note.

Jimin smiled while responding. 

"That's so nice of you.  Mr. Hyun seemed scared when he talked to your mom.  Is she scary?  0-0"

I chucked looking at Jimin with a smile.

"Yeah, she can be when she is mad at me."  I explained rolling my eyes at Namjoon who was making kissy faces at me.

"Are you going to explain to her what really happened?"  Jimin asked with a worried look.

"Probably not, but don't worry about me kid I can handle myself." I replied.

"Then why didn't you sleep last night?  You need sleep."  Jimin wrote biting his lip as I read the note.

"I was studying something."  I slowly replied.

"Studying what?"  He pushed.

I sighed, normally I would just say F off but it's kind of cute to see how concerned and nosy Jimin was getting.

"Sign language." I deadpanned watching his eyes widen.

"Why..". He asked staring at me.

"I want to talk to you."  I wrote simply but my heart felt like a volcano erupting.

"Don't push yourself for me!  If you need help just text me.  (1800-nojams)". Jimin replied.

Before I could answer the announcer went off calling Jimin to the office.  Jin signed to him what happened and Jimin ran off with wide eyes.

"Is he okay?"  I asked not noticing the concern in my voice.

"He competed in a dance competition and they are telling him if he goes to the finals."  Jin explained.

I nodded before saying bye to Jin who had an extra class.

"What's with Jimin?"  Namjoon asked.

"He's deaf."  I said making him sigh. 

"I got that.  I meant why are you writing love letters?"  Namjoon smirked.

"No- no we were just talking!  Besides I just want to be his friend."  I denied my cheeks heating up but I tucked the note into my pocket carefully.

"Anyways I have to go get grounded good luck tonight."  I said before leaving quickly.

On the walk to my house I decided to text Jimin.

From Yoongi:

Did you win that dance thing?

After a few minutes he responded.

From Jimin:

Yes!! I can't believe I'm going to finals...

I felt like something was off so I replied.

From Yoongi:

Is something wrong??

My house came into view making me sigh and walk slower as Jimin answered.

From Jimin:

It's just normally I dance with dances that are already prepared.  I can create dances but I can't get it to the match the music... and for finals you have to have music to match your dance.

I realized how hard the dancing career would be for Jimin without hearing yet he still got so far and he still kept trying.. it made me happy to know he wasn't weak and easy to give up.

From Yoongi:

What if you do the dance and I'll make the music to match it?

I replied before I could change my mind.

From Jimin:

Oh my god hyung.., thank you!  I'll have the dance by Monday!

He said shocking me..  how could he have it in 2 days?

"Min Yoongi... I need to speak to you."  My mom called me from my thoughts.

Oh boy.

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