Maria gets better

Start from the beginning

Maria:whats wrong

Justin:well see what you do to me is get me hard and i dont want to explode on these peoples nice sheets

Maria:haha ohhh when i get out of here i got something for you

Justin:baby you still gotta heal

Maria:that dont mean i cant suck you off

Justin:your a frak but i love it

Maria:mhm i love you

Justin:i love you -rubs his nose on hers-

-1 week later-

Maria's pov

FINALLY I'M OUT THAT HORRIBLE PLACE DID I SAY I HATE HOSPITALS -shivers- .even though i still have bed rest its better than staying in that hell hole.we arrive at my parents home and my room is still the same when i moved out.....clothes and shoes everywhere bed aint made i mean i know i was in a rush to leave for l.a but my parents could atleast clean up i guess oh well.even though i can walk justin being a sweetie and carried me to my bed

Justin:home sweet home huh

Maria:i'm sayin

Justin:you need anything

Maria:mhm you

Justin:babe we just got here

Maria:fine but i will have you -evil laugh-

Justin:i guess when your in the hospital it makes you horny

Maria:yes because when you have a man like i do and your hooked up to tubes and shit cant do nothing you get horny

Justin:well when you have a beautiful woman like i do and she's hooked up to tubes and shit and you want to fuck her but that just wouldnt be right

Maria:you feel my pain

Justin:MHM -snaps in z formation-




Justin:woah mami can you even eat that shit

Maria:do it look like i care if i can eat that shit

Justin:coming right up i'll be back babe -kisses her forehead and leaves-

-at JR'S Gourmet Burgers-

Justin:can i get 2 double cheese burgers with 2 large cheese fries and a sprite

Random Girl:thats a lot of food

Justin:its for my girlfriend

Random Girl:she must be a fat ass then

Justin:look lady i dont even know you so dont be calling my lady a fat ass besides she just got out of the hospital

Random Girl:aww why what happened

Justin:why does it matter to you

Random Girl:i'm just trying to be nice i'm Jessica


Jessica:well you never answer my question

Justin:she and i got into a car accident

Jessica:oh no are you ok

Justin:i'm fine she's the one that was hurt

Jessica:well i hope she gets better

Justin:thank you

Jessica:how long you in town

Justin:what makes you think i'm in town

Jessica:because you dont look like a miamian

Justin:we were suspose to be here 3 days but the accident happened so were here longer than we expected

Jessica:hmm since your girlfirend is recovering and your not her nurse if your looking for a good time heres my number

Justin:thanks but no thanks

Jessica:oh come on i dont bite

Justin:if i take your number will you get out of my face

Jessica:if that makes you happy

Justin:fine-takes the number-

Jessica:you enjoy your food -turns around and walks away-

Justin's pov

as jessica walked away i couldn't help to look at her body,her ass wasnt as big like maria's but it was enough her breasts were big here curves were WOAH WAIT JUSTIN YOUR WITH MARIA THATS IT NOTHING ELSE.i look at the number she gave me and threw it in the trash.i arrived back to marias house to find her sleeping



Justin:i got food

Maria:oh what took you so long


Maria:-sits up-gosh i'm sore

Justin:did you take you pain meds

Maria:no there in my purse


Maria:uhh i hate pills why cant they have this in lquid-takes the pill-

Justin:baby you do know i love you right

Maria:yes i know that

Justin:i just wanted to make sure that you knew

Maria:whats wrong

Justin:-thinks about it-nothing its not important

Maria:you sure

Justin:-kisses her deeply-positive

Maria:ok now wheres my food

Justin:right here

maria and i finished our food her pain meds started to kick in and she dosed off i went into the bathroom and replayed what happened with jessica.i looked down pull my phone out and put her number in my phone

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