''I know, I'll give it to you later. You need to get out before Salvador sees you!''

Lily nod understandingly. ''Okay.''

Before she could leave I stopped her. ''Lily wait!'' She looked back and approached me again. I came closer and kissed her hard. She smiled after we stopped kissing. ''See you soon.'' I said before she left my house.


(Lily's point of View)

Six days passed, and I hadn't heard a word from Lana. I wondered if Salvador had kept her busy enough with house chores that she hadn't even reached out to me. I got ready for the day and came down the stairs. My mom greeted me but instantly started questioning me into what I was going to get busy with during the summer.

''So have you thought of what to do yet Lily? You could take some painting classes or French lessons...''

''No mom, I haven't decided. For now I'm just happy to be painting Sunday's at church cause i get good money. But Yeah maybe I'll get a half-time job or something.'' I said grabbing a piece of toast and making my way to the door.

''And where are you going now...?'' 

''Oh just to the beach to... sketch and stuff. It's too hot to be inside the house.'' 

''Alright. Oh and you got a letter by the way.''

I turned my head confused cause I would never get anything on the mail. I took the letter from my mother's hand. It only said 'Lily.' on the envelope, but that handwriting was unmistakable.

I ran back to my room and tossed my tote bag on the ground and jumped on my bed. I opened the quickly opened the letter and excitedly started reading it.


Lily; my love. I think Salvador suspects I'm cheating on him. He doesn't let me go out the house, I'm caged like a prisoner. He has our maid checking up on me every single hour, I can't go out to the streets because he won't allow me. His excuse is that apparently he doesn't want me outside because some rebels have been infiltrating pueblo blanco and the streets have become dangerous, and he wants to keep me safe. I know that's a load of lies. 

What I wonder though, is what made him think I would be cheating on him if we haven't left a single trace of our love in my house. Maybe only your sweet vanilla scent that has been impregnated in my own skin, wishing that it won't go away because I can at least have a part of you with me.

I'm dying to love you again. to get to know every single thing I don't know yet about you, know what you're thinking about. Open all of your doors, and beat down those storms we have. kiss each other until we wear away our lips. I want to see you, stare into your beautiful brown eyes so bad, but I don't think is safe for you to come here. The walls have ears. I swear I'll try to come up with a plan so we can meet, for now I'll see you in my dreams.



The letter had her Lilac perfume, and I took  a deep breath of it before I closed the letter a bit sad. I missed Lana so much, and not knowing when I was going to see her again, added to my sadness. But at least she had reached out and I know she was planning a way that we could meet soon.  I instantly took a piece of paper and started writing my feelings out to her. I went to the post office and sent the letter with a made up address from Cordoba, Lana's hometown, In case the people working at her house got suspicious of it.


Dear Lana, I pray for the day I get to see your beautiful face again. It's been a week and I am already loosing my mind... I try to distract myself but the only thing my body and mind tell me is that want to be in your arms, and kiss your red lips that are so full of you.

I spend the whole day imagining your laugh, hoping that the hour that we meet again is soon to come. With my countless hours of thinking, I promise you I will come up with something too. Please keep writing, your words and the thought of you are the only things that keep me alive in the meantime.

I love you.



I spent the rest of the day walking through the shore, sketching people in the beach and then I had dinner in town with my best friend. It was really hard not spilling the tea and telling her all about Lana, mostly because we would always talk about the guys we dated and did stuff with... But Lana was different. I was in love with her... and she was a woman. So I rather just kept the details to myself. I went back home and noticed the whole day had seemed like an eternity and I missed Lana like crazy. 


A couple of days passed. I woke up and had breakfast with my family. The mail man came and I was the one who greeted him hoping from another letter from Lana. I started scanning through the letters for one I hoped was from Lana, but nothing said my name. Disappointed i went back to the table and handed my dad the letters. He put on his glasses and started reading them.

''Water bill, a letter from your cousin Regina, electricity bill, and... and an invitation.?'' My father said going through the letters.

''An invitation to what?'' My mother asked him

''To the town's annual ball. The governor invited us.''

''Oh we're not going right? you know i hate those socialite events.'' My mother said taking a sip from her coffee.

The towns annual ball? the governor probably invited my dad because he was an architect and her was the one who built the new theater, I guess this is just a courtesy. But if the governor was having a ball... then of course only la creme de la creme from pueblo blanco would be there.... and that meant Salvador would obviously be invited. Salvador and his WIFE.

''Dad! can I go?'' I asked him.

''Why do you want to go?'' My brother asked.

''Um... cause its a fancy ball... that sounds so much fun. What do you care..?''

''Yeah but who would you go with? It's a couples ball you know.'' Rodrigo responded trying to tease me like usual.

I rolled my eyes. But he was right... I had to invite someone I couldn't just show up alone like that. An Idea came into my mind and i snapped my fingers.

''I'll invite Jeronimo'' I said with a grin. 

''well I'm sure he'll be down.'' Rodrigo said laughing. 

I knew Jeronimo, Rodrigo's best friend, kinda had a crush on me, so he was the perfect candidate cause he wouldn't refuse to be my date to a ball. I smiled proud of myself because I had just come up with the perfect plan to meet with Lana again. Now I only needed to tell her my idea...

Guys this story just reached 500 reads and 'Old Money' just reached 1k! I'm so happy cause they're both still stories in progress so I'm very glad you guys are reading them and constantly voting on the updates. Next chapter coming soon, keep posted!


Soho Gal

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