5. Warmth

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Chapter Song: Waterfalls - Dear David Remix

(Lily's point of View)


I had been thinking about the movie date I had with Lana all week long because I had such a good time, and I wanted to hang out with her again. Soon. But I was honestly really nervous to ask her to just do something together again. So fate decided to smile at me today, because when I went to the market to buy some purple onions for my mother, I saw her picking up some fresh strawberries.

''Lana!'' I said her name from a far and she looked at me startled, but as soon as she spotted me her face lit up.

''Lily! what are you doing in the market?'' She asked me happily as I approached her.

''My mom just wanted me to pick up some onions for dinner. How about you?''

''I wanted to take a walk around town and then these strawberries caught my eye.'' She giggled.

''Those are actually really good. Miss Alba has the best fruit in town.''

''Ah you're such a sweet girl Lily.'' Miss Alba who was behind the counter told me.

''Well if you say so, I will take a kilogram please.'' Lana asked Miss Alba. ''So what are your plans today?''

''Well actually, I was planning to go to the beach, since it's such a nice day. Maybe take some sun read some books... Would you like to join me?'' I improvised, I actually had plans with a group of friends already, but this was the perfect time to come up with something to hang out with just Lana again and the beach sounded good. 

"I absolutely love the beach. Yeah I'll join you."

"Awesome! See you at six then?" I said happily. 

"See you at six."


I waited for Lana outside her house at six, and she came out wearing a sundress, sunglasses and a tote bag in hand. Looking absolutely flawless -as always. We went down to the beach and laid down on two towels in the sand, taking the sun for a while and talking about everything.

''I'm surprised there's not a lot of people in the beach even though it's such a beautiful sunny day.''

"I know! specially now that is finally getting warm enough to get in the water.'' I said looking at the waves calmly crashing on the shore. ''We could go inside if you want.'' I told her, because I was getting too hot and the sea looked pretty refreshing.

''I don't know, are you completely sure it's going to be warm enough?'' Lana asked me unsure with a giggle.

''Well... I guess there's just one way to find out.'' I said with a smirk.

Lana smiled at me and with a daring stare she said. ''Last one in the water buys the ice cream.'' Then we both got up swiftly and started running towards the water.

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