The begginning of the worst.

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There was this boy..
It's been 8 months and I still have feelings for him although I know I shouldn't.

One day I told my old friend that I had a major crush for this boy.
Of course being the girl that she was.. she told him. I ran away even though they could still see me from a distance. This boy followed me to where I was. Being the girl I am, I quite enjoyed the company.
This boy I had feelings for, came up to me, opened his big gob and Said
"I don't like you." It didn't really hurt me as I wasn't attached at that time.

We spoke for about a week until he confessed to me that he also has feelings for me. I was surprised because that escalated quick. Something about him that turns me off is that he rushes things too fast. (He is very impatient)
For some stupid reason I enjoyed it. I was so dumb. He asked me out over text which is a REAL turn off. He was talking about how he wants to marry me and have children of our own someday.
I was stupid because I loved the fact that I thought someone was admiring me.
We kissed the day we went back to school as he asked me out on the weekend we started talking. ( such a stupid idea!!) I was so nervous because it was my first kiss and I was only 12 years old at the time, I didn't know much about relationships and real love. I should've listened to my friends.. they were telling me that he isn't the one for me because he is too pushy and impatient. They told me that he cheated on girls in the past. It's now 8 months later and I now know what they were warning me about.
He is ruining my life and I am so attached always have been and most probably always will be.

But this was only the beginning..

This boy Where stories live. Discover now