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A few hours later, there was a knock on the door. Katie was fast asleep on the sofa and George was sitting there drinking tea beside her. Paul had left a couple of minutes beforehand. George got up and answered the door. His mother was standing there with a red and blue bag. George hugged his mum and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hi love, I brought you some stuff that might be useful" Louise said, handing the bag to her son.

"Thanks mam. Uh .. Come in"  George said, ushering his mum inside.

"So where is the little one?" Louise asked. George led his mum into the living room. She stopped and stared at Katie and said to George "Oh love, she's a cutie".

George nodded and sat down beside Katie. Suddenly, she started to stir and woke up with her hair sticking up in all directions .

"Mm mm- George?" Katie said, putting her arms up for George to lift her. He did so and said "Katie, this is me Mam" . 

Katie waved at Louise. Louise  opened the bag that  she brought. She brought out a little pink floral dress, that'd obviously belonged to George's sister. Katie saw the dress and her face lit up. Louise said "This is for you" .Katie said "Wow! fank you ".

"Although, I think you need a bath before you can wear that" George said. Katie nodded in agreement. George took her hand and led her into the bathroom. He knelt beside the bath and turned the hot tap on. Then he put the the cold tap on after about a minute of the hot tap running.

" Would ya like some bubbles?" George asked Katie. Katie nodded. George grabbed the bubble bath and squooshed it in. George stood up and called his mum from the top of the stairs. Louise appeared at the top of the stairs.

"Are you going to try and bath er George?" Louise asked. George paused and nodded. George went back into the bathroom  and stopped the taps. 

"Katie love, would you like a rubber duck? " George asked, passing the yellow rubber duck to Katie. Louise crouched down and told Katie to put her arms up so that she could lift the dress above her head. Katie lifted her rather feeble arms into the air and Louise slipped the dress over her head. Louise took the rest of her clothes off and Katie then stepped into the bath and sat in the tub, getting some fresh bubbles in her small hands and then put it on the top of her head. George giggled at Katie and she laughed back. Louise showed George how to wash a young child. Once Katie was out of the bath and dried, George Got her into the Pink floral dress that she picked out before. Louise said that she would sort out a room for Katie, putting all of her clothes in a drawer, making a bed for her etc. When she came back down, George was sitting on the floor, braiding Katie's hair.

"Mam? D'ya have a scrunchie or something".

"Yeah love, there's one in the bag, I'll get it" Louise walked out of the room to the stairs, where the bag was and found a scrunchie.  Louise brought it back for George and he secured the braid in it.  George stood up with Katie at his side. He sat on the sofa next to his mum and Katie climbed onto Georges knee.

"Fanks for doing my braid, George" Katie said.

"It's okay sweetie." George said looking down at the little girl..... "Listen, Katie. Do you want me to get you back to your mammy or even try and get your dad?" George asked the little girl, who was now cuddled up to his side. Katie looked at him with fear in her eyes and slowly shook her head.

"I want to stay with you"  Katie said.

"Oh, okay, love. I mean if that's what yyou want. I can be yer Daddy if ya want" .George said

"Yay! " Katie said, climbing on to George's knee. George started to think.. "Wow, I'm going to have a daughter"..

(A/N: Sorry for the long time taken to upload ) Love you everyone!!

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