Mulan Meets the Matchmaker

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The large and very...harsh matchmaker slammed the doors open and checked her list. "Fa, Mulan."

"Present!" Mulan said, standing.

"Speaking without permission," spat the matchmaker. 

Mulan groaned silently. "Oops."

She entered the room with the matchmaker as the round woman closed the doors. Grandmother Fa rolled her eyes. "Who spit in her beancurd?"

Jian chuckled lightly, then realised, that he was being watched. Watched by none other than the expectant women waiting to meet the matchmaker, young teenage girls who have yet to come of age, and the mothers of those girls. He swallowed. "Perhaps I should not have joined you," he whispered to his own mother. 

"Nonsense," Fa Li scoffed. "This is an excellent opportunity for you to find a potential bride. You are 21. You need to find a wife sooner or later, Jian."

"Ma ma, look around you. They're all watching me like they're waiting to pounce. Besides, I thought we went through this. I want to marry for love, and I want to find her myself. Not let some fat woman decide for me," he muttered that last part under his breath.

Grandmother Fa laughed lightly. "There is absolute truth in those words, Li. You listen to your literate son. He knows your daughter better than you do."

There was a loud scream from inside the matchmaker's room, and Jian jumped as he realised it wasn't Mulan's. Oh dear.

The Matchmaker ran out of the room, her behind was on fire! Mulan rushed right behind her, carrying a pot of tea. She did the first thing she thought of, and drenched the Matchmaker in tea, successfully putting out the fire, as well as ruining the Matchmaker's make up and attire.

Mulan handed her the pot back and bowed, covering her face as she strode back towards her family.

"You...YOU ARE A DISGRACE!" the large woman shouted, throwing the pot to the ground. Jian watched the pot shatter into a hundred pieces, looking outraged at the woman's exclamation. "You may look like a bride! BUT YOU WILL NEVER BRING YOUR FAMILY HONOR!!!" 

Mulan gasped as Jian held her close. She could feel the anger radiate off of him. She looked down as the Matchmaker walked away, leaving her to absorb the shame she felt. For she had brought not honour, but shame, to the Fa family.

Fa Li soothed her daughter. "Jian. We'll bring Mulan home. You stay."

"No!" Jian said. "My little sister was just insulted by that woman in public! I will not be in the presence of someone close-minded and lowly!" 

Jian walked off to get Khan and Jun. The steed brothers looked slightly alarmed as they caught sight of Mulan near to tears. Khan immediately galloped up to his rider's side and whinnied, concerned for her. Jun turned to Jian, as if demanding an explanation. The 21 year old male sighed. "It's a long story, old friend. A very long story."

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