Josh nodded and Tyler stayed quiet for a moment, thinking. "I don't like my home, because of the memories. I've lived in this house my whole life. My last school was just farther away from it than hear. We used to have to drive an hour, but that's not the point. There's too many bad memories. And the bad memories over power the good ones."

Tyler closed his eyes, a small tear found its way out. Josh quickly wiped it away, smiling sadly, "you don't need to continue."

Tyler shook his head, inhaling deeply. "No, it's ok. Just give me a second."

Tyler kept his eyes shut tightly, his lips curled in. He finally let out a deep breath, opening his slightly red eyes. "M-my Dad...and Maddy. They're the only ones who understood. Unlike most kids, I was obviously gay as a young kid. I remember in first grade I would be made fun of playing with barbies."

Tyler let out a small laugh and Josh's moped lightly. "There was this one boy I always gave googoo eyes and one day I kissed his cheek. He started freaking out and crying, saying that he was infected by the gay. I had no idea what that meant and my dad told me later on that day."

Tyler smiled to himself, "when I asked him if it was wrong to be gay, he told me it was only wrong if I let people tell me so. He told me that I should be proud of myself and love whoever I want. My dad was by my side through everything. He picked me up when I fell and would tell me stories."

Tyler then frowned, "that was until a few months after I turned sixteen. I had just got my drivers license and I was taking my two younger brothers for a drive."


Tyler gave josh a sad look and he immediately understood, his heart suddenly breaking. "My dad told me to be careful around the inner-section. I-I didn't see the car coming and it happens all so fast. All I could hear were my brothers blood-curling screams and I could feel the car flipping. Then I heard the sirens and I was being taken out. I still remember what the car looked like. I still remember catching them taking my brothers lifeless bodies out of the car. Jay, the youngest, died instantly. He was to small to handle the impact. Zach died late Rhett's night in the hospital."

Tyler voice cracked and tears were running down his cheeks. Josh sat up and Tyler crawled onto his lap, letting out a quiet sob. Josh wrapped his arms around Tyler, "shh, it's ok. I'm right hear."

"M-my mom told me that it should've been me. She always loved Jay and Zach more than me. I was the disappointment. The fag. My dad told me it wasn't my fault, but I could see in his eyes that he was blaming me. His eyes screamed, 'look what you've done. Look at the destruction you've caused for this family.' My mom got into some drugs and was never home after that.

"It was all too much for my dad...and he left. He left without any warning. I don't even know where he is to this day. He just left me. He told me he'd always be there for me and he left. That's how I know he truly did blame me. If he didn't, he would've taken me with him."

Tyler was now crying hard, josh was crying too. Josh held him tightly, "Tyler, I wish you knew how special you were. You now you can't blame yourself. Stuff like that happens and I have no idea how you feel, but I know you must be in so much pain. I want to help you, Tyler. I want to help you realize how special you are and how much of a good person you are."

Tyler had calmed down and was now letting out shaky breaths, "josh, I don't want to loose you either. I've never had a friend like you. You mean so much to me."

Josh smiled, "I would never leave you, Tyler. You mean just as much to me as I do to you. Your my friend, I dot want to see you hurt."

Tyler let out a sigh, "thank you, for listening to me. Not many people do."

Josh looked at Tyler, "thank you, for trusting me. I will always listen." There was a knock on the door and Tyler quickly wiped his eyes. Josh called out, "ya?"

"Hey, dinners ready." "Okay, thank you, Ashely. We'll be out in a minute."


Josh heard her footsteps fade away and he helped Tyler off the bed. Tyler let out a chuckle and wiped his eyes again, "ugh, I can't go down thee looking like this."

josh breathed out a laugh, "don't worry. We can just eat up here. I'll be right back."

Tyler waited for josh to comeback with their food. He smile when josh handed him a plate, "thank you." Tyler looked at Josh, "um, do you mind if I stay the night here tonight. Madison is at a friend's and I don't wanna be alone."

Josh smiled, "of course you can stay here."

"Thank you."

I couldn't sleep so here you go.

And OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!!! Josh was at fucking Debby's house to celebrate her birthday and I squealed so loud!!!! It was on his Snapchat!!!!! I ship jsohler, I ship jyler, I ship jebby!!!! I just ship all of them and it makes me want to cry because I miss the days where josh and Debby were dating because they were so cute and I just want them to get back together!!!!

Everytime I watch Jessie and she's all like I'll never find love I scream at the tv "you could've had josh!" And everyone looks at me so weirdly!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Ok ok, I'm sorry. I got a little emotional there, whoops. Anyway, you will prolly not see his till later, but here you go.


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