How to survive a Tarn during...

211 8 16

(idk im bored)


rule #1: you don't do love (fifty shades of grey anyone?)

rule #2: always bite until energon spills.

rule #3: carry anything sharp

rule #4: rope. strong rope.

rule #5: bite spike(not that gentle)

rule #6: quick but passionate kisses

rule #7: swears. tons of them

rule #8: shocking will drive tarn wild

Warnings: if a tarn shows kindness do not follow these rules

Heat Cycle

rule one: no weapons it will encourage tarn

rule two: say anything sweet

rule three: do NOT let him bite

rule four: stay as far away as possible

rule five: no shocking. it will not work

lastly rule six: if caught the best thing you can do is prey

Warnings: follow rules at all times if Tarn is in heat

signs of tarn being in heat

-low deep growls

-heated faceplate

-left leg twitching

-flaring optics

-no speaking

whelp that's how I survived Tarn during all these things

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