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(A/N: The song is above. I think it explains the conflicting emotions of this chapter rather well. Plus, Christina Perri is my fave. x)

Lena's POV

Night had fallen, as I reached the outskirts of the castle grounds. I stopped for a moment, and took a deep breath.
This is it.
I started walking again, until I reached the edge of the Forbidden Forest.
My fingertips sparked, my senses heightened. I could feel my wand in my boot, and my heart pounding.
There was rustling straight ahead of me, and then a figure stepped out from behind the shadows of the trees. She had long, curly, crazy black hair, and my eyes as hers.
I knew it was my mother.
She was still in her Azkaban prison uniform.

"Lena, my darling." is all she said.
Her voice.
I was hearing it for the first time.
"Mom." I said, in but a whisper.
There was a second of silence before I spoke again. "Why did I never know?" I asked.
My mother, Bellatrix, almost looked melancholy. "They took you. I loved you so much, and they took you from me."
"Who took me?"
"Those blasted people, that couple!!!"
"My adoptive parents?" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.
She nodded.
I sighed. "Are you sure it wasn't for my protection, Mom?"
"I could have protected you! You're my daughter!!"

"Where's my father?" I asked, hating the pleading tone that had taken over my voice.
Bellatrix didn't speak.
I stepped closer to her. "Answer me!"
"He's dead, darling."

Time seemed to go flat. It was a couple of moments before I spoke again.
"How did he die?" I muttered.
"The Killing Curse."
My mother gave me a wicked smile, and for the first time, I caught a glimpse of the madness within.

"Why....Severus Snape murdered your father, Lena."

I shook my head vigorously.
"You're lying." I whispered.
"Your Potions Master, DeathEater, the man who gained Dumbledore's trust for The Dark Lord...he is the one who destroyed our family, darling."
I stared at my Mom, refusing to cry in front of her.
She held out a hand to me. "Come with me, sweetheart."
I glanced at her outstretched hand, then back to her eyes.

"No." I replied.

With that, I apparated, ignoring my mother's pleas.
I re-appeared at the gate of Hogwarts. I pushed it open, Albus having left it unlocked for me, I figured. The protection charm locked back in place as soon as the gate clicked close.
I was in a haze, as I entered into the main corridor.
I stopped, leveling myself against the wall with my hand. I felt sick.
I looked up, meeting the strong gaze of Severus Snape.
I took a deep breath, as the tears finally began to fall.
My knees weakened, and I fell against the wall, sliding down to the floor.
Severus rushed over to me, taking me in his arms, caressing my hair, soothing me gently.
There was a silence.
"She told me...she told me that you killed my father." I whispered against his chest.
He tensed, but didn't respond.
I sat up, wiping my eyes, and looked at the Potions Professor.
"Is it true?" I asked, stone filling my veins.
For the first time, pain openly filled his eyes.
"I had no choice. Your father tried to kill you." His voice cracked.
My jaw dropped. "You killed my father."
"He tortured you, Lena. Relentlessly. He was the one who murdered your adoptive parents. If that wasn't enough, he kidnapped you. If I hadn't done it, you would be dead."
I ran a shaky hand through my hair.
"Why can't I remember any of this?! What is happening to me?!!" I exclaimed.
"Albus and I agreed to obliviate your memories. You were better off knowing nothing, than knowing the pain you had been through."
I didn't reply.
"After, we watched over you, watched you grow up into the powerful witch that you are.."
I took in a shaky breath, tears filling my eyes, as I looked up at the man who had become my everything.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"I did not want to cause you pain." Severus replied, reaching out for me.

I stepped back harshly, avoiding his grasp. "What do you suppose I'm feeling now?" I whispered, brokenly.

Tears started to fill Severus' eyes.
"Lena, please...I can't lose you."

A single tear fell down my face.
"You already have."

I could feel my heart shattering, as I turned away from him.
In a blink, I disappeared.
A/N: Don't worry, this is only a temporary obstacle, but one that had to happen. I swear.
There's a lot more to come! x

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