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((Kia up above)))
My name is Kia and I've had a crush on Juwany for like forever and a year. I try to get over it but it never works. Every time he looks at me or talks to me I get butterflies in my stomach. I want to run up and hug him and never let him go. But I know he'll never think about me like a think about him. So I just stare and him while he talks to bunches of girls, or while gets a new girlfriend. Hoping that maybe on day he'll like me back. As I see him walking down the hallway with his new girlfriend kacy, a tear rolls down my face. This is how it's suppose to be I don't deserve to be with him he's this big popular person and I'm that girl who is barely known. It was silly of me to think that he would leave the loads of girls he gets to get with me. But you know a girl can dream.

Juwany POV
I look over to my and see Kia crying and I just want to run up ask her what's wrong and make it better. But I can't I have a girlfriend and I know she doesn't like me like that. I've like Kia since 1st grade yeah I know that's a long time. But how could you not she is beautiful, smart, caring, sweet, and funny. Whenever I'm around her I can't help but to smile. Dang I sound like a lovesick 4th grade girl but to be honest she makes me feel like that. I'm knocked out of my thoughts her my new "girlfriend" kacy talking.
"Yeah and I was like eww and she was like I know right isn't that nasty"she said
To be honest I had no idea what she was talking about. I don't even know why I'm dating her oh right to get over Kia. See if I was talking to her right now I would be laughing and smiling just happy that she's mine. But it's silly to think that she would want to be with me. I hate to say this but I'm kinda a man whore I just get with girls to get with them. I honestly don't think getting with her would be a good idea cause if I break her heat I'd hate myself. But you know I can dream.

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