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Chris In media

Chris pov
My name is Chris I'm 20 i am a stud and i date fems i have nithing agaisnt studnfir stud but i personaly dont thinm its for me. I just made  a move to my new house in Ohio and I plan to start college here soon in my new location. My life has been full of drama and love and hurt but this time thing seem different. Tune in to find out more

I pull up to my new house in Ohio with moving trucks behind me. I get out my car and take the sight of my new house in and start moving things inside. I have been moving stuff for about 1 hour and I look outside my kitchen window and see a car with tinted windows pullout of the driveway next door. "That must be my neighboor" I look really hard but I can't see anything. I hope i get to meet them. I hope they like me

welcome neighbour Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora