Reefland attacks.

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"Grab the weapons."

Tracer nods and begins speeding towards the nook where we keep the weapons. I grab my friesian stallion outside the hollow and mount him. I know exactly where the reefland warriors will be. Right in the center square, with their bows loaded, and their swords unsheathed.

my stallion is unbreakable. I had asked for a sturdy horse from Tracer, well, I got one. I've ridden him countless times in battle and territory spats. He's still alive isn't he? Most horses die in their first big battle, not mine. We rode out in victory, with only a few scars might I add?

We gallop towards the center square of town, and to my surprise, no-one is there.

I slow down to a halt, confused. Hmm. The center square is always the place where battles start. I start to wonder, if they're not here, where could they be?

I begin to worry. I start by looking to see if there are any hoof prints or footprints anywhere on the ground. Sure enough there are. I can tell they are Reefland shoes, because our shoes in dusland are never as intricate or as detailed as the bottoms of these shoes.

I follow the prints as far as I can, as quick as I can, as fast as I can. they lead all the way to the edge of the woods. I stop for a moment.

What if it's a trap? What if they planned this, and they are attacking the village? I stop the imagining, and bolt into the woods. as I get closer, I can already hear the sounds of battle. The cries, the clashing of swords, the whinnies of horses in distress. I KNOW, I'm in the right place.

I throw myself into battle, colliding into the fear, with the determination of a warrior.

Reefland. they've attacked a hunting patrol. Would have been nice if Tracer had TOLD me.

I pull out my silver sword, ready to take on any attacker. Sure enough, some idiot comes crashing through the brambles, oh. This isn't just ANY idiot! It's Zander.

Zander. To understand Zander, you need to understand his idol. Blaze.

blaze has been a favored warrior of reefland ever since he was born. he came from a popular family back in the day, and all the Reefland warriors adored him.

He isn't a bad fighter, he's quite good... unfortunately. That's why he's favored. he's a natural born leader. And I'm his arch enemy.

He never liked a girl who knew how to rule. So he was out to get me whenever I lead a battle patrol, or organized a border party.

Now Zander, is Blaze's closest comrade. He does everything that Blaze does, or tells him to do. To be honest, I think there might be something going on there that is a bit more than friendship, if you catch my drift.

Anyways, I charge towards Zander, sword aimed, but all of a sudden I feel a falling sensation. It doesn't click at first, but then I realize what's happening. My horse. Falls to the ground in a heap. I leap off his back at the last minute, so I don't get crushed.

Now I'm angry. extremely angry. My horse, my beautiful, brave, unbreakable stallion, has been broken. I am fighting back the tears now. I turn and look to see, the cold eyes of Blaze staring back at me. he's holding a metal bow, he's just shot. I look back at my once so alive, horse, who has an arrow to the chest. I look back at blaze, as he lifts another arrow from his sheath, and loads it, the arrow's head pointed straight at me.

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