Hiding, Fear & Something we Refer to as Love?

978 19 5
  • Dedicated to Tyler... I'll miss you </3

Hiding; from the world around me.

From the people who look up at me in awe.

From the people who look down on me and smile.

Hiding from the people I'll let down.

From my father who means the world to me.

I could never let you down... 

I am not abused from my parents. 

But I am abused from myself. 

I hurt myself in ways that you cant even imagine. 

I hide this from everyone. 

My friends, my family, the love of my life that means everything to me but cannot love me back. 

Do you cut your wrist? 

Of course I do?

Is it because of me?

Who else?

Why else would I wear long sleeves in 70 degree weather. 

To hide something.

Why would anyone wear long sleeves in April...

To hide something. To keep something covered up.

Whether it be the scabbed over cuts from last night.

Bruises from where he grabbed or hit you last week.

Scars from the shining blade, or an car accident five years ago.

Whether it be because you feel too exposed with shorter clothing.

No matter what... your hiding something. Keeping something covered. 

Fear: an emotion that throws you deeper and deeper into the darkness.

Keeps you from living life...

Stops you from speaking out.

Holds you back from moving forward

Makes your voice inaudible from expression.

Fear of seeing your face...

I fear the day that I have to face you.

I fear the day that... that I tell you how I really feel...

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