"But I can't sleep!" Taehyung whined.

"You have to! Your eyes are—"

"But the wolf keeps on bugging me in my dream!" Jimin sighs.

"Then forget about the wolf—"

"I can't! It won't leave my mind!"

"Then tell him to get the fuck out!" he shouted, frustrated.

Taehyung's eyes grew even bigger when Jimin cursed for the first time in front of him. His mouth automatically stopped talking.

Well damn, Chim looks really scary when he's mad. And don't forget he just woke up.

Taehyung slowly lets go of his wrist and hides in his blanket.

"O-Okay... I'll tell him to get out..." he covers himself fully and dips his head in the pillow, trying to fall asleep.


He's about to come back for him when something suddenly slams him on the wall with full force.

He cries out, but the enemy can't hear it, they never can.

As he falls back to the ground, he looks to his front and he saw him from afar, laying flat in the ground and flailing his arms, also struggling just as much as him.

He fights to stand up, his arms trying to crawl for him but a poisonous gas suddenly blasts in them in such full force, making him scream and fall back, thrashing around as he accidentally inhales the suffocating smell.

He screams loudly. He did.

But the enemy always pays no mind, because they can't hear their cries of agony, they'll never will.

He chokes back a sob and his strangled breathing continues as he tries to get up, arms already wobbling so much.

With his blurry vision, he saw him, running in circles like a madman, rolling and thrashing, trying to stay away from the gas but it already went through his system, making him weak and dizzy fast as seconds passes by.

He whimpers. He's dying, they're dying.

And the pain mercily stabs his chest as he saw him suffering. He doesn't want to see this, but he can't take his eyes off his lover.

He needs to come near him and hold him, just one last time.

He shakily tries to get up, but his useless body is not cooperating as it slumps in the cold surface.

With his blurry vision, he continues to watch him, suddenly coming to a halt and copying his current position. He tiredly makes an eye contact with him for seconds, arms sprawled in the ground.

"Don't leave me..." his voice is too faint, barely enough to hear.

Suddenly, his lover stopped fighting to survive.

"N-No..." he whispered, tears continuing to flow out of his eyes.

He didn't even managed to say the sweetest words that came up from his heart.

He didn't even managed to say precious things to show him how much he means to him.

He didn't managed to say it all. Because the fate have decided.

Yes, this is their fate. As much as it hurts, this is always supposed to happen.

They just have to hide.

You're different ♡ vkookHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin