
Morning finds me faster then I thought after the night of hazy sleep and images of chocolate brown eyes shutting in pleasure. I sit up in the bed, rubbing my forehead. The wine from yesterday really isn't doing me any favours. Ah right, it flashes before me... night, Alex, Alex... Alex staring at me as his mouth took me in. His eyes shutting in cry out pleasure as my hand tangled in his hair. I sigh, and flinch as I hear soft touch of a hand over mine. I open my eyes and offer a shy smile. It is Alex, offering a glass of water and an Aspirin. He must have been through my bathroom cabinet.
"Oh, right... my medicine" I smirk
"Thank you Alex"
"S'ok" He smiles, and runs a finger over his lip seemingly absent deep in thought. His finger trails a light bruise on his forearm where I've gripped him last night.
"Hey Alex... is something wrong?"
"No, just I've been thinking, remembering the way you were looking at me the last time I was in Paris... on the stage in that bar..." He smiles and slides a hand through his hair trying to tame it back to neatness. He fails as a curl falls over his forehead.
"Why?" He pouts


We enter a nice restaurant, with some smooth R&B background music, the lights are dim and a man following me looks the epitome of sharp. Well I wouldn't expect anything less from him. I feel free enough to feel happy for once, and not care what tomorrow brings. We pick a round table in the corner of the room. He sits down, and we browse the menu, both settling for a Greek salad and an ice cream for a dessert. If I have anything to do with the further plans for the evening, I say we'd better take something light. But wine first, of course. I still feel rather exhausted after rolling on the stacks of hay and wielding a big gun in a slip into a little western themed photo shoot for the GQ. It was fun though, blended rather nicely with my current style. The girl model was truly lovely, but if I am honest I wish it was the one opposite me. Miles Kane. I couldn't not to spot him in the dimmed bar lights the night before in the small, rather intimate audience. I would never forget that face; the pretty sleek fashion posters just don't do the justice to the vision before me. As it happened, he had a photo shoot at the same location as mine after my little venture into the world of fashion. He approached me rather cool, oozing confidence and commented the gig... He is a fan. I know the feeling. It is mutual. That's how we settled for a dinner.
"Miles can I have a look?" I point at the pretty black album resting on the table. He smirks as I take a gulp of wine and browse over the photos, almost spilling the wine. Fuck.. he is hot. There is one photo, it is black and white and he is smoking, his hair is ruffled and his eyes are hooded, giving that peaceful "just came" look. I bite my lip, secretly wondering what he would look like? I quickly flick my gaze upwards but in his eyes there is nothing of the serenity I see on the paper before me. I flip pages before the dirty thoughts wash over me and I lose myself... completely. Red background...black leather... everything, legs...Oh fuck. I shut an album quickly. Right... He has the strong presence. His look is bare, his beauty is almost vulgar... sharp. A clash of the eyes and the lips each inviting you for ... sin. There is clatter of glass as we get our food. I put the book aside and sigh.
"What's wrong?" Miles sounds worried "Are you ok?"
I look at his eyes and I smile.
"Yes Miles I am fine... just... all the work you did, It is an admirable portfolio"
I blush... I must stop talking. I shuffle a chunk of cheese in my mouth, and chew it as if it was a wasp.
Miles smiles "You know... fashion... is sort of an illusion... you give them what they want, not actually what they want, what they think they want... you create desire. It is all-fake. It is easy to get lost in hundreds of faces, and you never know where you stand, so if you don't have something really unique about you... it is a cruel industry. You know...that is why I prefer music, a good song will never get wrinkles or last only for a season.

"Because... I thought you were so beautiful" I blush feeling uneasy saying that. I know it sounds like you would say it to a girl, but... he is truly gorgeous.
"Really?" He raises an eyebrow shifting his legs on the bed; the last night's nudity replaced with the black underwear.
"No... it wasn't only that. It is the melody. It was the music. I mean, it is the music. I always yearn for it, I have a guitar that is mostly gathering dust now... because I can't find an inspiration. And... I always thought I would be a professional musician but life had other plans for me... so when I saw you yesterday sitting in the front row, it brought that yearning back. For both. And I thought... wish it were me there on the stage instead on the runway. I love Jacques Dutronc... just his songs always sparked something in me. Also I always loved to dress well. Ever since I was a kid really. I love clothes. And he was this guy who was always well dressed, and had birds around him and wrote some pretty rad tunes on the top. And somehow, I always thought that that could be me one day as well." I bite my lip, realising suddenly how much I have said to an almost complete stranger and with such an ease. It excites me as much as it terrifies me. He sighs and averts his eyes smoothing the crease in the rumpled sheets.
"But, Miles... you are a successful model... you have a portfolio a lot of male and female models would envy you for." I see that he tries to cheer me up.
"S'not the same. S'like..." I reach for the cigarette pack and light one. My lips suddenly feel awfully dry. You write songs, you put out an album, and people will say, look he wrote that, it is deep thoughts... it is melody, he is talented... with me it is like... look.. .he is a pretty face."
"Miles, but you are so much more than just a pretty face." He looks at me... deep, as if he'd known me for years.
"Yeah... pretty body too." I smirk. Alex laughs, but starts to shake his head and frown.
"I have to disagree. More like... pretty awesome body and Miles you're a liar!" Alex chimes in.
"What? Why?"
"Why, why, why, why, why, did you leave me all alone?" He starts to hum a familiar tune back to me and I sigh.
"You've heard that?"
"Of course I did. It was blaring all over the Saint Laurent store the last time I've picked the jeans. And I rather liked it... and if you did it once, you could do it again."
"Well thanks" I say and smirk. "If you could have a taste of modeling... I suppose I could get a bit more of your world"
Alex slowly brushes his fingers over my knuckles, gently stroking the outlines of a gold heavy bracelet clutched around my wrist.
"Thank you for telling me." He says softly
"Thank you for listening." I smile as I blow the last smoke and he reaches for my lips.
"Now if you don't mind, I want a bit more taste of you" Alex says licking his lip.

*Miles Kane - Why lyrics

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