The Actual Intro to quantum mechanics and theories

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Now, it's time to get on with the real stuff, the juicy, tender steak that is quantum mechanics. Now let me stress this: scientists have no way of testing most if these theories out. YET. Now, in q.m (I'm just gonna call it that for convenience), the two biggest things associated with it are Einstein's theories of general and special relativity, which basically help describe how instead of time and space being separate entities, they are one singular measurement known quite boringly as spacetime. These theories are essential in understanding the world of q.m, so I suggest you read up about them if you wanna understand this fully. This concept of spacetime has led scientists to come up with some pretty interesting theories.
One of the main theories of q.m is wormholes, or Einstein Rosen Bridges. This theory states that if spacetime is like a sheet of paper, then we could bend the sheet of paper and build a bridge from one end of the paper to another in order for hyper-fast space travel. This theory just so happens to tie-in with another theory of which I am going to describe to you.

This next theory is one you may have heard of, it's called: The many worlds interpretation. This is by far my favourite theory because it can work with any theory on here. This theory states that instead of existence being a line, it is more like a tree, with multiple branches with equally possible time lines. Imagine a world where you killed someone and then hopping to a world where you never did it. Imagine a world where Hitler was good and it was the U.S who caused the holocaust. JUST IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES!!!!!! this theory is a main point in one certain t.v show called Rick and Morty, and for this reason it is one of my favourite shows *portal sounds and rick and morty step through* Rick:" Oh geez, morty, you really *burp* f***ed up with this adventure, didn't you? AH, if it isn't my favourite, alcoholic scientist? Do you think you could help me with this, Rick? Rick:" Sure! It's not as if I've got anything better to do? *totally obvious fake cough referencing morty's inferiority*
Well, is this just great! Now I've got a true expert in quantum physics to be able to explain away with these theories. Wait, hang on....*phone rings*
Hello? Yes, im free, why?........WHAT!?!?! MY NAN IS IN HOSPITAL!?!? OK, GUYS I'M GONNA HAVE TO GO, BUT I'm sure rick'll take care of this story while I'm gone, WON'T YOU RICK? Rick:" Sure, whatever."

Sorry if this wasn't the serious explanation you all were expecting but I wanted to add some humour to keep you all interested.
See you all next time!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2017 ⏰

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Beginners guide to quantum mechanics part 1: Intro and theories Where stories live. Discover now