Chapter 12

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Lucah jerks the phone up, annoyance evident in his actions. His face suddenly fills with worry at the voice on the other end.

"Sheila, what's wrong?" He says frantically.

I hear mumbling on the other end of the line. Lucah hands the phone to me, looking like he's ready to punch something.

"Hello? Sheila?" I ask, unable to her anything.

Then her voice bursts through the end of the phone, "Jaxon's back."

I slam the phone down, ending the call. Lucah looks at me frustration creasing his beautiful face. I stand up, throwing my jeans on, and start brushing my teeth. Lucah starts gathering items to stay at Sheila's house.

Jaxon is Sheila's horrible ex-husband. He used to cuss her out over the phone, or at the cafe. He's laid his  hands on her before, causing bruises. He was in jail for a while, before getting out on good behavior.

I couldn't stand him, he reminded me of Connar. He was just like him, mean and a drunk.

"You ready?" Lucah shouts through the wall.

"Yes!" I shout back.

We practically run out of the apartment, ignoring the stares of other residents. I want to get to Sheila's as soon as possible, I don't want to give Jaxon the satisfaction of hurting her again.

Lucah zooms down the street, barely stopping at lights. We ignore all the honks and words of other drivers, causing a ruckus is what we do best.

When we arrive at Ashton Street, we see Jaxon's black convertible sitting in the drive way. Lucah pulls up right beside it, before slamming the car in park, and getting out. I open my door, and watch as Lucah grabs our bag from the back.

We march up to the front door of the little white house. I bang on the door, Lucah grabs my hand to calm me down a little.

After a few seconds and no answer, I push the door open, sending it flying into the wall. Lucah's hand tightens around mine when Jaxon walks down the steps. When he finally takes notice in us, he glares.

Lucah drops my hand to move in front of me, in case the nut job decides to pull a fast one.

"Where is she, Jax?" Lucah says, calling him by his nickname.

"Nice to see you too, Lucah." He spits. "Oh, I see you've met Amelia. The little wretch."

Lucah growls under his breath, "where is Sheila?"

Jaxon laughs, before saying, "upstairs."

Lucah nudges me in the side, "go find her."

I do as told, dodging Jaxon on the way. I run up the stairs, nearly falling at the speed I'm going. I hear Lucah tell Jaxon he better not have hurt Sheila.

"Sheila?!" I yell once I reach her bedroom.

I hear quiet crying when I step into the room. I push the door open lightly, not wanting to scare her. I'm shocked when I see Sheila curled into a ball, stuffed away in a corner.

"Sheila, what's wrong?" I ask sweetly.

She lifts her head, and that's when I notice she's in a bra, but that's it. I brush her hair back, revealing some swelling on her neck.

I panic, "Lucah!" I scream.

I hear footsteps pounding up the stairs. Lucah bursts through the door, blood covering his fists. His mouth drops when he sees Sheila.

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