Chapter 7

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Y/N P.O.V.

"Grelle? What aren't you telling me?" I am worried about him. What happened to him after we were dragged apart?

"I promise it's nothing." He lied

"You would be a terrible Candor, you're a terrible liar." (Author-Chan couldn't help it.) I said.

"Fine. When we were dragged away from each other I nearly died, but a man named William .T Spears gave me another chance. I am now a reaper/ Shinigami. I kill people and judge whether they can live longer or die." He explained staring at his feet.

I stepped closer to him and hugged him whispering in his ear "you're okay big brother, I will still love you."

"Thank you lil sis." He said crying into my shoulder.

Grelle left after a few minutes of talking about what happened in our lives after being dragged apart. Sebastian went to go tell master Ceil of my relation with Grelle.
As soon as Grelle left Yuki ran down the stairs followed by Omera.

"What happened?" I asked them.

"A kid and a butler came in through the kitchen window. Omera panted out.

"Okay I'll be right back." I told them as I went to investigate.

"Be careful!" Yuki warned.

"I will." I replied.

I walked into the kitchen and saw a boy with blonde hair about as long as Ceils and a butler that looked like Sebastian but he had glasses and his eyes were an off color. I tried to leave but a hand covered my mouth and another grabbed my hands and pulled them behind my back.

"Where are you going?" A childish voice said behind me. "If anyone were to know I was here I would be... never mind. Come Claude" the voice instructed.

I was picked up and thrown over the butlers shoulder. Last thing I remember was hitting my head sand passing out.


Wow 3 chapters in two days. I got this chapter out for
You're welcome Omera and Yuki

White Kitten Black Butler (Sebastian x reader) COMPLETED!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя