2. Eros and Psyche - 1: The Start Part 2

Start from the beginning

“Apparently not,” the oldest said. “We shall have to fix that.”

“My dear Psyche,” the middle sister suddenly spoke up to her. “You are so well taken care of. Your husband must really care for you.”

“He loves me,” Psyche replied easily. “He tells me so almost constantly and has shown it on many occasions.”

“Do you love him?”

Psyche looked at her auburn haired sister and took her time answering. “I care for him deeply. He has not yet shown me who he is. How can I know who am I loving without first seeing him?”

“Yes that is peculiar,” the brunette commented suddenly. “Why should you never see his face?”

“It does not seem fair that he may see yours,” the other sister added.

Psyche sighed. “I agree but I made him a promise.”

“Have you seen the feast he made for her?” the middle sister asked the oldest. “It does seem to add up.”

“What does?” Psyche asked quietly.

“It cannot be true. That would certainly mean death,” the oldest commented.

“What means death?”

“I knew there was something strange happening here,” the middle one added.

Psyche grew slightly irritated at her sisters’ conversation. “What do you mean?”

“Oh my dear Psyche,” the brunette began wrapping and arm around her baby sister’s shoulders. “There is a reason why he leaves such large feasts for you. After all, look at your protruding stomach.”

Psyche’s hands went instinctively to her abdomen. She was admittedly a little fuller than she had been when she lived with her family. She only thought it was because she was eating well now.

“That means nothing,” Psyche said. “Perhaps I am with child.”

“Perhaps,” the oldest continued. “There is only one reasonable explanation. You were not meant for a mortal man so you must be married to a monster. We’ve heard of a great evil serpent that disguises itself as a man and convinces poor and beautiful women like yourself of great love and devotion. He only visits them at night and forces them to never look upon his face for even in his human form his face is too ghastly to look upon.”

The other sister contained her laughter as Psyche drank in all the lies that we’re being told to her.

“He lets his victims feed so that they become plump. Then when the time is right, he attacks in the night and eats his victims. You must be his next chosen wife, my dear sister. That means that he will soon devour you and your possibly unborn child.”

“Oh my,” Psyche cried clutching onto her stomach. She didn’t think it possible to have an unborn child in her stomach but if she did, then she didn’t have just her life to worry about. She didn’t think her husband would ever be one to harm her but what if was just an act?

“He told me not to trust your words,” Psyche admitted.

“Well of course,” the oldest continued. “He does not want his plan sabotaged.”

“Well,” Psyche paused feeling conflicted. “What could I do?”

The middle child stepped forward and wrapped an arm around her baby sister’s shoulders as well.

“You must kill your husband before he has the chance to do so to you,” she answered easily. “Hide a knife here in your bedchambers. Strike him when he’s asleep.”

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