Jumbo Shrimp

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Okay, this is a short story that I had to write, so I hope you all enjoy is



Here I am, I’m sitting here at the dining table, with a big plate of my mom’s ‘famous’ Jumbo Shrimp in front of me. I don’t know why she makes it all the time, but she does. She likes making it when I have friends over too, like the other day when I had some people over, that was the first time she made it for my friends…

*thinks back to that other day*

I was having a party for… well… just to have a party. My mom knew I was going to have one, and went out with a “friend”, AKA: her boyfriend. I did a mental eye roll when she said she was going out with a friend.  You see, she has been dating this guy, and so, you get the picture right? I don’t really like explaining things… even if it is to my “other” me that is in my head.

My mom tried to get me to a therapist, but during that time, he was on vacation, so I was free to not go. Yea me! I’ve never really like therapists, they freak my out! They’re always asking you questions and trying to get inside your head. That would make me go crazy!


“Jake, your friends are here,” My mother, half way in the kitchen with a head sticking into the living room, was pointing at the door with a knife. “JAKE!”

I jump, unplugging my headphones, “WHAT?!?!”

“Your friends are here.”


“I’M COMING!” I run towards to the flinging my arms into the air.

“Yo Jake, what’s up man?”

“Hey Mark, hey Luke, hey Chris.”

Did I say party? I guess I meant to say having a few friends over to watch Resident Evil 4 on my new Wii!

We all scramble ourselves in to the living room before sitting down. Mark and I were on the couch; Luke was on the arm chair to our left, And Chris was sitting on the love seat by the door to our right.

I got up and started up the Wii before sitting back down beside Mark. When the system started up, I turned it on to Netflix. After a while of searching for it in our Instant Queue, I finally start it up.

After the movie is over, my mom calls us in for dinner.

“Whoa, dude, what is that?” Mark said while poking at the plate of food with his fork.

“Oh, that there is my new recipe, I call it ‘Jumbo Shrimp’. What do you boys think?” My mother looked all around the table, she had a huge, and I mean huge smile on her face.

“Yeah, you nincompoop, just eat it!” I tried holding back a laugh, but fail epically.

After laughing for a while, we all shrugged and started eating it. And to our surprise, it was really good!

“Oh shoot, I have to go now, love you honey,” my mom gave me a kiss on the forehead before leaving out the door.

The guys started laughing before I shot them a threatening glare which shuts them up immediately.

When we are all done cleaning up, and my mom is gone, we turn up the music. The first song on is Baby by Justin Beiber.

“SHUT IT OFF JAKE!” all three of my friends yell in unison.

I have no problem agreeing with them. I change it to my IPod and Black Veil Brides’ Fallen Angels comes on.

So as you all probably know, we play games, have fun, get tired, and fall asleep. Morning comes, we all feel like we just slept on rocks, the guys go home, and then I get to clean up the mess. Just like a real party.

After my mom got back, I had to get ready for church. I just sat there, mostly texting my girlfriend who called me loquacious. I got mad at her at first, but then she told me what it meant… I was still a little hurt, but she was right, I was talkative.

The preacher was saying something about ‘bona fide’ or something before I dozed off.

When I opened my eyes, I wince in pain as I find that I was on the floor. I must have fallen… and it had hurt my head. I grab my head to feel around for any bumps. I breathe in air, making a hissing sound, when my hand goes over a bump on my head.

Huh, this must be my karma for falling asleep in church.

I get back up and when the church bell rings, everyone gets up and leaves. When we get to the house, my mother scowls at me when the she sees the disheveled room in front of her.

I let out a groan when I finally realize that she wants me to clean up this mess. So here I was, cleaning up this mess, when I get a call from my girlfriend.


Hey, your mom said that I could come over for dinner, is that alright with you?

“Uh, sure, why not. When you coming down?”

In just a bit, I have to finish this last math question about the definition of mode, then I’ll be right over. See you soon.

“Yeah, you too. Bye Court.” That’s my girlfriend’s nick name, its short for Courtney.

Courtney is very gregarious, and loves hanging out with her friends. She’s a great girl.

When Courtney gets here, my mom sets the table. So here we are, Court, my mom, and me, all sitting here, with a big plate of Jumbo Shrimp on our plates, eating our dinners. Courtney liked it, but sadly she got sick and had to go home… I got sick to and so did my mom… must have been food poisoning.

Bad shrimp, bad!

Now it’s time to go to bed and miss school on Monday morning. Yea, no school tomorrow!

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