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Brooklyn POV
I cannot stop thinking about Ethan! I know I have a boyfriend but he's just so cute! Is that bad?! He's just so genuine and kind hearted! I mean I know he doesn't like me in that way and I know we are best friends but I can't help feeling a spark when I go to the movies with him.
"Hey Brooks what you thinking about. Parker? " Bailey asks. We share everything with each other I can't not tell her how I'm feeling.
"Ethan actually" I say blushing.
"BROOKLYN!" She says shocked. "ETHAN!"
"Ethan" I say nodding my head.
"Wait you aren't, like, cheating on Parker are you?!" She says looking some what proud.
"No of course not!!" I reply swiftly. "I just, think I have feelings for Ethan"
"I'm not surprised" she says looking away.
"What you like him too" I say worried.
"No obviously you doosh." She replies putting my mind to ease. "I KISSED GRAY" she screams.
"WHAT!!! BAILS! OMG!!!" I scream back!
I find us both jumping up and down holding hands!
"WHEN? WHAT? HOW? WHO? WHERE?!" I shout.
As Bails spills every single detail to me!

SECRETS - DOLAN TWIN FANFICTIONOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora