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Grayson POV:
"What's that all about Gray" Ethan asks with a smug expression. I had to think fast. Never could Ethan know about me and Bailey. (YES I KNOW BAILEY AND BROOKLYN HAVE BFS BUT JUST LEAVE IT - IT WORKS WITH THE STORYLINE) Until we are engaged and expecting of course. It all happened last Saturday. Every Saturday me and Ethan go to the swimming pool with Brooklyn and Bailey. We always have a blast. Me and Bailey got out a bit early as we were really hungry where as Brooklyn and Ethan stayed in a bit longer. We had gone into the group changing rooms and we always do. Back to back.
"No peeking" she'd said. I promised her and I kept to my promise. We both were changed. I looked at her. Her short wet hair and her beautiful bright eyes. She looked stunning.  She'd changed into her tight black dress that ended just below her butt. My mouth fell open. I didn't even realise. She came up to me and put her hand on my chin, pushing my lips back together.
"Why the mouth open Gray" she asked
"You just look so good" I replied.
"Likewise" she said blushing sweetly. We just stared at each other and it soon lead into a snog.
"What does that mean" she asked
"I'm not sure" I replied blushing. And she took my hand.
"Just texting mum" I replied to Ethan. I stared out to window trying to avoid eye contact. I mean we are twins. He can always tell if I'm lying.
"Hmmmm okay" he replied.

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