Rumors and Shopping

Start from the beginning

"Why don't we split up and search then met in the dressing room" Molly suggests. We all agree and she takes Ginny, while I went with Narcissa & the other girls went with their mothers. I decided to search for my bridesmaid dresses first. Ginny is my maid of honour and Luna is hers, then Susan is Luna's and I am hers.

"So you wanted light blue dresses for your bridal party right?" Narcissa asks.

"Yes, like a sky blue" I tell her as I looked at the racks. "But I want Ginny's to be different to the the rest of the bridal party" I state. "They need to be simple though, nothing to fancy" I explain.

"Like this?" Narcissa asks holding up a strapless sky blue dress.

"That'd be perfect for Ginny and this will be perfect for the bridesmaids" I tell her smiling holding up another dress.

"That'd be perfect for Ginny and this will be perfect for the bridesmaids" I tell her smiling holding up another dress

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"Now all we need are the accessories and your dress" Narcissa states smiling

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"Now all we need are the accessories and your dress" Narcissa states smiling. We handed the dresses we'd picked to a clerk that is helping us. "Do you have any white wedding dresses with blue on it?" Narcissa asks her.

"Yes, I think I have the perfect one for Miss Granger in the back. If you go to the change rooms I'll bring it to you" she answers smiling. Narcissa then takes the other dresses and leads me to the dressing room.

"Oh there you are Hermione, what do you think?" Ginny asks wearing her wedding dress.

"It looks amazing Ginny" I tell her smiling.

"There is a pink dress for you to try on, as well as two yellow ones and creamy one" she tells me pointing to a dressing room.

"There is a pink dress for you to try on, as well as two yellow ones and creamy one" she tells me pointing to a dressing room

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"Great, I have a blue one for you to try on and also an other blue for Susan, Parvati, Padma & Luna to try on" I tell her smiling

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"Great, I have a blue one for you to try on and also an other blue for Susan, Parvati, Padma & Luna to try on" I tell her smiling. I just finished trying on my bridesmaid dresses and seen the others choose their wedding dress. As the clerk returned with a garment bag.

"Sorry, I had to find your size and it is the last one in stock" she tells me as she gives it to me. But before I can take Narcissa grabs it and flicks her wand at the mirrors in the change room. She told me I can't see the dress until my wedding day as it is a tradition in the Malfoy family. I agreed with her and Molly blind folded me as they helped me into the dress.

Molly then guided me out to the view room to show everyone else who gasped. "That's the one for you Hermione" Ginny exclaims.

"How does it feel?" Mrs Patil asks.

I give a little twirl and feel the soft fabric it felt perfect to me. "It feels very comfortable, it is perfect" I state. Narcissa then guided me back to the change room and helped remove the dress as there were no altercation needed. Once it was hidden I was blindfolded and got myself dressed before exiting.

"Why don't me all go have some late lunch before returning to our homes?" Mrs Johnson suggests. We all agreed and went to the Leaky Cauldron. Once we were seated at a long table we all ordered.

"What's wrong Susan?" Luna asks her and I notice now she looks down

"I'm glad I was invited to join you all today, but Ron still hasn't proposed. In fact I've hardly seen him since Draco proposed to you Hermione. The one time I saw him he had lipstick on his cheek, he's hair messed up, and smelt of expensive perfume made of iris's" she explains. "I think he's cheating on me" she finishes as tears appeared in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry dear, I taught my boys to treat women better then that" Molly states tearing up.

"It's not your fault Molly, there was bound to be one bad egg with having so many children" Mrs Bones comforts her.

"Only girl I know who wears expensive iris perfume is Pansy Parkinson" Narcissa states.

"Not even Ron would sleep with her, no matter how far he has fallen" Ginny states.

"I think he might have Ginny, I may not have known Ronald long but he has fallen that far" Luna states.

"I agree, this is not the Ron I became best friends with" I state. Just then the food appeared and we dropped the subject. Once we finished the food Narcissa sent a patronus to Malfoy manor to inform the boys we were done. Before I disapperated with her to the manor for dinner.  Our dresses will be delivered in three days. "Draco" I cheer running into to his arms and he spins me around.

"I missed you too Hermione, did you find your dress?" he asks kissing my forehead.

"Yes, but I don't know want it looks like" I tell him. "Now no more wedding talk tonight" I state before hugging Harry. "Goodbye Harry, I'll see you tomorrow for lunch" I remind him. Once all the guys left the Malfoys and I went to their living room before going to their new dinning room for dinner.


Picture above of pink bridesmaid dress, pictures in chapter of Ginny's maid of honour blue strapless dress, Hermione's blue bridesmaid dress, the creamy bridesmaid dress and two yellow bridesmaid dresses. Picture on the external link of Ginny's wedding dress.

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