Chapter 64 Family meeting

Start from the beginning

Hailie and I arrive to the club and it's all a big mess because of all the furnitures being here unpacked. I look over to the bar area and see how much work they've done since yesterday. It looks amazing.
"This place is huge!" Hailie says. Marshall definitely didn't go down on the space when he bought me this.
"Yes, there's a lot of room." I agree.
"I wish I could come here and party when it opens." She says.
"When you turn 21 then you can." I say.
"There's a lot of years until then." She sighs.
"And I think your dad appreciates that." I laugh.
"I think you're right." She laughs along and I now see a man walking over to me.
"Where do you want the furnitures?" He asks.
"I have to see which furnitures it is." I say as I walk over to the boxes. I open one of them and immediately recognize the exclusive design and it belongs in the VIP.
"Up in the VIP." I tell him. "There's drawings up there so you can see how I want it."
"Great." He smiles and grabs one of the boxes.
"This is gonna be great, Amelia." Hailie says as she looks around.
"I hope so." I sigh smiling.
"You have a good taste." Hailie says. "This is for sure gonna be the hottest club in Detroit." She adds.
"I hope so." I say. I know already that Kevin's club is gonna be my biggest competition. For god sake, I'm kinda in a competition with myself as I practically created that club. I know I have to do something big at the opening to get people's attention and I know that I have a benefit in being Eminem's ex girlfriend but that's not enough.

Me and Hailie stay at the club for a couple of hours before we then drive over to Kim and I know we're gonna have that family meeting now. I'm not that nervous actually because I'm on Hailie's good side now.

We arrive at Kim's and Marshall is already there. I find him in the living room with Kim and Amy and Amy immediately spots me and runs into my arms.
"Hi baby." I say. "Have you had fun?"
"Mmh." She just mumbles.
"Did you girls have fun?" Marshall now asks me and Hailie.
"Dad, Amelia's club is gonna be so cool." She says.
"Yeah, I know." He says sounding so proud.
"I'm just gonna go get Alaina and Whitney." Kim says walking out of the living room.

The girls comes down and we gather around the dining table and I think they actually all know what's gonna happen now, besides from Amy and Whitney.
"Alright girls." Marshall decides to speak first. "Amelia and I have decided to give it another try. Things are really good between us and you know.. things are just good."
"Well, congratulations.. I think." Alaina says, not in a mean way but more in a way of not knowing what to say.
"Thanks." Marshall says. "Things ain't gonna change much but we just wanna make it official."
"Are you gonna move in together?" Alaina asks.
"No." I say immediately as I don't want Amy to move again. "There's no need for that."
"Well, as long as you're happy uncle." Alaina says.
"Yeah as long as you're happy." Hailie says.
"I am." Marshall says and looks at me smiling.

We decide to stay for dinner and have a family day. I can't tell you how happy it makes me to finally feel apart of the family. I feel so welcome and it's so nice!

When we get back to my place then we spend some time with Amy before she goes to bed and then me and Marshall can finally have some alone time to discuss all that has happened today.
"I'm so glad that it's out there now." I say as I sink down on the couch.
"Me too." Marshall says and takes a seat next to me. "And they took it really well."
"I'm so glad that Hailie accepts me now." I say. "Whatever you did then it worked and I'm so grateful."
"You're welcome." He says and we sit for moment of silence before Marshall talks again. "So, have you thought about an opening date yet?"
"No." I say honestly and I now get reminded about what I thought about earlier today. It makes me nervous to open the club because I'm afraid that it's not gonna be a success. "I'm so nervous though."
"Why?" Marshall asks.
"I just realized that Club In is gonna be my biggest competition." I share my concern. "I'm in a competition with something I created."
"It's gonna be fine." Marshall tries to comfort me.
"Marshall, I'm gonna need some big to happen at my opening." I tell him.
"Like what?" He asks. Like what? Maybe someone to perform and I feel shitty for even thinking this but it would be so cool if Marshall could pull some strings.
"Someone to perform or something." I say. "I feel so shitty for asking you about this; but don't you think you can pull some strings?"
"Why don't I just perform?" He takes me by surprise.
"You would do that?" I ask and I bet he can read the surprise all over my face.
"Of course." He says. "I wanna be there at your opening anyways."
"Seriously, it's so nice of you to offer that." I say and kiss him. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." He says. I can't believe how lucky I am to have him.

Next chapter is gonna be the last chapter guys and by that the end of these books. 

But I'm actually considering if I should do a last book which would be about if Amelia never went to college in Los Angeles. It was suggested awhile back and I've had it in my mind since, but I wanna hear what you guys think? Would it be something you would be interested in? :) because I won't do it unless people are really interested in it. Not to sound corny or anything but I feel people have lost a little interest in this story after I made "Side by Side" so I need to know if I should just end it here or if y'all are really interested in a last book.

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