That Unknowningly known person

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"Hey..! So now your 12th is completed and now atleast you should join Facebook, her friend suggested her".
"Yeah Dad told me too and I'm soon gonna make my ID there, Siya replied".

    She actually don't like Facebook but her friends and her father who was very much involved in this social world always pushes her towards this world. She know that this is a totally different world and she was really not ready to join the one she didn't even know she believes in reality and real world and somehow Facebook is a fake world with different fake faces. But she agreed because of her friends and her father. She made her ID there and some known and unknown person started sending her friend request, liking her DP and cover picture. And after sometime she started liking that world and forgetting that this world is still fake. She met a boy there. She found her real and his soul was beautiful. They started talking to eachother several times in a single day. Both were comfortable with eachother. They started talking about everything​ happing in their lives. She was badly attractive towards him like no one can move her away. She started liking him more deeply by passing time. He was too attached with her. Everything was going smoothly and happily. She was so much happy to find this great soul in her life and she always prayed to God that he'll always remain there
in her life. But there is always something negative hidden under the positive. In her story too there was something negative hidden. But this time she was so happy that she couldn't even notice all that. By the way his name was Sohan.!

    Months passed. They shared some good moments. Never met eachother but still the girl started loving him so deeply. His anger, his I'm always right attitude, his jokes, his seriousness everything. Everything was just going with the flow and then she started noticing some small changes like he stopped talking to her every as he used to do before. He started becoming irritated very fast by her small behaviours. He started ignoring her, now he didn't like her calling and messaging​ him everytime. He was behaving strangley and on that day when she was so afraid of losing him the illomen happend and he asked her to go away from his life and never call him again by saying that there was nothing between them. It was very clear for her that he found someone special of his life that's why now he want to finish all the connection between them. She tried alot to stop him, convincing him that she really need him in her life. But all these thing was just like few drops in the ocean of his hard heart. She still has hopes that one day he'll realise that she loved him alot, more than any other thing in this world but no he didn't came back never ever. And one day she saw something that just broked her hopes and her heart again that he was committed to someone else. He found his soulmate. But what about that girl? He never asked her again that she's all right or not? He was happy in his own world and somehow he hurted a soul very badly and left scars on her heart.

        She was still fighting to forget him. And she decided to spread all her love she had and wanted once to the world as this world is full of hurt. She wanted to be the sun which brightens wherever she goes not like him who just brighten his life and hurted others. The one who used to say they are different from others but all are just same they only know how to hurt others. And she finally realised that attachments hurts always so she decided to just flow with everyone, help everyone, be with everyone who want her but never get attached to anyone.

   She was a survivor. The smile on her lips was too strong for the eyes to shed those pearls out. And those pearls was too precious to waste on someone who's that much selfish and bad ass. So she just choosed to smile always and make everything around her beautiful and happy. She was beautiful in everyway and became sunshine of everyone's day. Pure soul knows how to make everyone happy and black soul knows how to make themselves happy only. Now I'll let you guys decide that who's pure soul and who's black soul between these two.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2017 ⏰

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