Him and the funeral

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Hi my name is June Blanchard. If you are reading then I'm guessing that you want hear my story. So here we go.

I'll start off by telling you all that I remember as a toddler. When I was 5 my father was in the Air force, we had to move many places in one year. But the last time we moved was the worst. My fathers jet got shot down, and every one in the jet went down to. But they never came up. Meaning they all passed away. When I heard the news from my mom, I was in school, eating lunch. I got called to the office. I wondered what it could be. I saw my mom, her makeup smeared every wear. She looked as if she had been crying all day.
She saw me and gave me a huge hug, rapping her arms around me as if I was an over life size teddy bear. She sat me down and told me these exact words " Honey, I have some news for you, while your father was in war, his jet crashed, they never found his jet or him"
I didn't really understand what she was saying because I was in kindergarten. So I asked her what she meant by that.
She sighed a long sign.
"Sweet heart, Daddy is dead."
I was processing all of this information. After a minute I started to cry. My mom saw me and tried to comfort me by hugging me. But that didn't help. I ran out of the school building. I ran to the my favorite library and saw Ms. Miller- the librarian. She's always been a great person to me. If I ever needed to talk, she would listen. So I told her. She comforted me and gave me some crackers and juice. She asked why I left school, and I told her that I had to run, that when ever I get mad or sad I just run and run and run. Ms. Miller said that I run back to school and come back when it's finished.
So I did as she said. My mom saw me right as I entered the building. She understood what had happened. After that, she checked me out.
We went home and watched my dads favorite movie- Indiana Jones. We ate his favorite snack- popcorn with peanut butter M&Ms. We sat in his favorite seat in the house- the leather recliner. My mother and I did that for the rest of the day.
My mom scheduled the funeral for 2 days later. Although it would be only a ceremony to remember him since we didn't have his body.
I really miss him, the way he always picked me up and swung me around when he came home or how he made exaggerated facial expressions when he would read me a story. Oh how much I miss my father.

Thanks so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Also this is not my actual life story.

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