She's Mine

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"Are you sure you have to leave? Just thirty more minutes. C'mon," i said as she tried to leave.

"Yes, i do. Its two in the morning. And besides you don't love me that much anyway," she said turning her back.

"Yes, i do," she didn't answer. "Yes, i do," i repeated while hugging her from behind. She gave up, smiled, turned around, and kissed me. I smiled back.

"Buuuut... i have a test chemistry tomorrow... well today," she said realizing that staying over was a bad idea.

"Just thirty min..." i started to say.

But she cut me off "But if i don't pass this ill be booted and wont see you as often."

"Than what are you doing? GO...GO..." i said with a wave of my hand.

After we got back together we have been for the past five years, we kissed, we argued, we snuggled, we talked, we fought, did pretty much everything a normal couple does. It was the best five years of my life. We've been through so much together. Death of family, friends, friends moving away, awkward holiday dinners with each other family's. We ended up going to the same college. Everyday either i would go to her dorm she would come to mine or we would meet in the library.

But the worst part of college is the jocks who will try to sleep with anything they can get there hands on, including Jenna.

It was a Thursday night and Jenna was walking to my dorm and i saw her out my window. I smiled and caught something out the corner of my eye. I looked harder and saw it was Thomas, the worst sleep with anything jock. He slowly made his way to Jenna. I knew what was gonna happen and sprinted out of my dorm.

By the time i got outside she had her mouth covered with his big hand. And was squirming to get out. I was frozen because i didn't know what to do. Than he turned her around and slapped her.

Next thing i know i was sitting on top of him beating him. Once i realized what i was doing i froze and stood up. I looked at Jenna she was staring at me. She fell into my arms like she did when she was sad and needed to cry about something. She started to cry and said "Thank you."

For the next couple days we laid on my bed in each other arms. We only got up to go to the bathroom and get food. But since it was over a break no one though it was out of the ordinary. For the rest of the year i wouldn't let her go out alone, and she wouldn't leave her dorm without me. We never mentioned that day to anyone, even each other. No one would touch or talk to her.

Because they knew she was mine.

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