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Her parents got home a few hours later and everything was okay. The giant decided to stay and he was working with the dwarves. She was worried the whole time they were gone and didn't know what to do, but she was happy to stay there. After all of it they decided to buy Maya a cell phone so she could call them when things got scary.

Things seemed to be calm for the rest of the day, which was nice. She woke up the next morning and heard her mom underneath the balcony.

"Wait Gold's son is Henry's father?" Mary Margaret asked through the phone. Maya looked over the railing confused. She remembered reading about the boy named Baelfire. She was surprised he was even still alive. "Please tell me your not calling me to keep this from him?" She asked. "No matter what he did you have to tell Henry. You have to give him a chance." She sighed. "Are you sure this is about protecting Henry or protecting yourself?" She asked concerned. "Be careful down there Emma. Bye."

"What?" Maya asked looking at her mom as she looked up.

"Our family just got a whole lot more complicated." Mary Margaret said as Maya came downstairs and Mary Margaret called David to the room. They all sat down.

"So apparently Emma found out that Henry's dad is the son of Rumplestiltskin." Mary Margaret said standing up as David and Maya were sitting down.

"So Rumplestiltskin is his grandfather?" David asked confused.

"Apparently." Mary Margaret said nodding.

"But I'm his grandfather." David said looking to her.

"You can have more then one." Mary Margaret explained.

David sighed trying to piece it all together "So Regina is his step grandmother?"

"I think she's his step great grandmother." Maya said looking to him calculating everything.

"And his adoptive mother." Mary Margaret said putting her hand out.

"It's a good thing we don't have thanksgiving in our land because that dinner would suck." David sighed as Maya chuckled as well as Mary Margaret.

"Maybe this would mellow everyone out." Mary Margaret said.

"I don't know." Maya said as they both looked to her confused. "I mean right now Regina's mom is in town getting ready to do who knows what and when for that matter." She explained.

"You should have more hope than that Maya." Her mom said looking to her.

"I'm just saying. It's hard to mellow everything out when there is so many dark people involved." She explained looking at the table. Q

"Is something wrong?" David asked sitting up.

"Is it always like this?" She asked looking to them.

"Like what sweetie?" Mary Margaret sat down in front of her.

"Always battling someone. Always trying to save someone. Always leaving me home so you can go do something or save something. We still haven't barely spent time together since you guys are always trying to help someone else." Maya said with an soft angry voice.

No one answered her. They didn't know she felt that way. "Maya. We are sorry. We didn't know you felt that way." Mary Margaret said looking at her.

"I just want to spend time with you guys. Even if it is battling someone." Maya explained. "I want to be as brave as you guys and help. I'm not a little girl, but I still want you guys to spend time with me somehow." She sat up and looked to them.

Curious: Underrated ~OUAT Fanfic~ [Season 2 Curious series]Where stories live. Discover now