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Dahlia Carter. That name echoed through the hallways. Dahlia Carter looks pretty today. Dahlia Carter made the lead in the school's theatre production. Dahlia is definitely going to be Cumlaude next year. I want to be Dahlia Carter.

The 20 year old college junior, with wavy light brown hair and clear brown eyes who had a charm to her that made her peers and adults to admire her, would walk down the street everyday, chin up, smiling at everyone who looked her way. Every girl wanted to be her and there was not one who disliked her. Being in University, she was involved to the point were people knew her. She had learned to be confident with herself, after all, she was only focused on herself and herself only.

Alexander Barker. They never knew him. Alexander who? Oh. The photographer? I thought his name was Andy or Alejandro, or something like that.

They never knew that smart kid, who sat in back of the classroom, hunched over, scribbling rapidly, creating new stories for the school newspaper. His eyes, dark and blue, like the ocean. The introvert always isolating himself from reality. From the real world. After all, it was college. Nobody cares about you in college so it was easy to hide. Easy to disappear. He had a side nobody knew. They only knew the bad.

The thought of loosing something or somebody that means the entire world to you is surreal. You never know. They can make you the happiest person alive until it's too late. Until you finally loose yourself. Until you loose them.

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