New Home Three

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I bolted out of my chair, the bluetooth connection shuddering as I immediately dialed the only one I knew who would understand: Daniel.

He picked up almost immediately. "You saw the news?"

"Goddammit Daniel, yes I saw the news. I can't believe that is is actually happening! Undertale is REAL!"

"Hey, call my girlfriend's dad."


"Um, he's a freaking news reporter? C'mon, Lanie. We could see Mt. Ebott!"

I caught on almost immediately, pacing back and forth. "No shit... No shit... I can't believe this is actually happening!"

"I know," he said excitedly. "Now frucking call him already, dammit."

I kept Daniel in the line and dialed his girlfriend's dad, waiting eagerly for him to pick up.

Mr. Jonson sighed. "Hello, you two. What is it?"

"We want to go to Mt. Ebott with you," Daniel rushed. "To see the monsters and all."

Mr. Jonson laughed. "You two are seniors in high school. I'm not about to let two eighteen-year-olds into a danger zone."

"C'mon dad, we're responsible adults!" I pressed. "Let us go!"

"No," he said firmly, hanging up.

"Lanie, no," Daniel said warningly. "I know what you're thinking and I don't like it."

"So Daniel," I began.

"Fucking fine."

That's how we ended up in Daniel's car, following the news crew to Mt. Ebott about three hundred miles away.


"Shit," Daniel breathed as we got out of the car.

We had planned to get there about three hours ahead of the news crew, and we were successful. The monsters were setting up a town by the looks of it, and we wandered in without much of a problem.

We spotted Asgore almost immediately, helping set up the town bell. We waved wildly, our eyes urgent.

"Humans!" he exclaimed, surprised. "What brings you here to New Home Three?"

I snickered. "We come with a warning, King Asgore."

He looks even more surprised. "A warning?"

"The humans have orders from the government to kill you on sight," Daniel told him. "Please, use some sort of covering magic."

"What's goin on here?" a voice said behind me.

"I'm not even going to turn around," I decided. "Hello, Sans."

The skeleton came around so I could see him. He was a bit taller than me, which annoyed me. He was still shorter than Daniel, though.

I forced myself to look into his eye sockets. They were empty, which was to be expected, but I could still see the glowing blue eye in my head. Mentally, I pictured Sans picking up dozens of humans at once, destroying us pathetically with a single...

"Kid," he said, pulling me out of my thoughts immediately. "You know I'm not going to kill you, right?"

Shit. Could he? Read my? Mind?

"I'm an easygoing skeleton," he drawled. "Also, why all the question marks?"


"Anyways, King-o, we should put up a protective barrier all around. If Lanie's right, here, they might just nuke us. We'd need strong magic."

"I'LL GET FRISK!" Papyrus exclaimed, zooming past us with his Halloween cape.

"Shit," Daniel said loudly.

"What?" Sans asked.

"It's Sean."

I knew who he was talking about immediately. Once I turned around, there was no mistaking the tall Irishman for anyone else.

"Top o the mornin to ya, Jack!" Daniel greeted him calmly.

"Hi," I squeaked. The Irishman looked at me kindly.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed. "It's Sans! Hi!"

"Lol," I said, eyeing Daniel. "So, protection magic or...?"

"I'LL GET TORIEL!" Papyrus exclaimed, rushing by. I didn't even contemplate what he had said - I was too in awe of the two tall Brits who were walking towards us.

"Dan!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed, waving wildly. "Phillllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Goddammit," Daniel muttered in a British accent. "I can't even remember what an American accent is anymore."

I hadn't realized it before, but I too was constantly switching accents depending on who I was talking to. I had laughed when Tyler remarked so, but I too was affronted by how large Dan was.

Toriel and Frisk, working together, created a barrier. Since we were inside it, we could still see the town at all times.

Daniel and I decided to stay for a week, but it may very well be longer. Compared to the chaos of the mortal world (and the 24/7 access to YouTubers), I might never want to leave New Home Three.

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