T E M P T E D {Ch 15 - Avoidance, Awkwardness, and Attack}

Start from the beginning

"It would actually probably be better for her, Paul, because I remember you saying that Fox would be good for a third year's group because she picked up the moves in your class quickly. And since my routine will be contemporary, it'll be similar to the stuff you do in your class so she'll find it easier to grasp. Also, I checked her out during Greg's first group session and she definitely seemed more suited to contemporary rather than Greg's style."

"Well then." Mr Paul looked a little impressed. "I guess if it's okay with Greg than I can easily allow the group change."

What about MY opinion?

Once again, Blake spoke before I could get a word in. "Great. The first session is tonight and I had to make sure of it with you because I've only got three others and losing Leah would mean that I'd be screwed over until I found someone else fitting."

DAMN him! How could I back out after he said such a thing?

"Well, easily fixed." Mr Paul grinned. "I might come out for a while tonight to see how you go for your first lesson. It won't be as undemanding as you think, having a smaller group. The flaws in the choreography are easier to pick out that way."

Blake drew himself up straighter. "I don't have any worries. It'll be great to have you come out tonight, so long as you give me a bit of warning if you're going to be judging my lesson for marks."

Mr Paul shook his head and patted Blake on the shoulder. "I'll see you both tonight. Leah, make sure you study the different pirouettes in that routine. I'll be checking up with you next lesson."

I nodded and made my way stiffly towards the door. I could hear Blake's light footsteps just behind. What should I do? Slap him once we were out of view? Refuse to come tonight? Participate in his group so that I could sabotage his grade? I wasn't that girl. I couldn't bluntly treat someone like that, even if it WAS Blake. No, especially if it was Blake. It would be like stooping to his level. The guy seemed to have no concern about my feelings. This "joke" was going much too far!

So I wouldn't be petty. I wouldn't whine, squirm or fire up. I just had to wait for him to lose interest, or to finally realise that I truly did detest him.

I side-stepped around Greg and turned my head back with a bland expression. "See you tonight."


Blake Amherst


I felt frustration rise as I watched her walk off, obviously in a huff. She'd tried to hide the annoyance but it was easily read in her movements. The expression on her face when she'd said she'd be at the session had surprised me, her temper hadn't leapt up like usual, so now I understood that she was still holding a grudge against me for what I had said in front of her boyfriend and brother. I'd thought that leaving her alone for a few weeks would allow her to let it go... but I'd been wrong about her before and should've learnt that Leah wasn't someone who is easily predictable.

"Really, man, you're gonna need a lot of luck to win her over."

I'd told everything to Greg, even though I knew he'd hold the information over my head... But then again, I knew that Haezel was still refusing him even after he had supposedly kissed her brainless.

"It's not like I'm on a time limit, or that I don't have any chances," I grunted, turning to head to the cafeteria. He followed, light on his feet. I shrugged irritably, feeling that he was about to say or do something to annoy me further.

"I never did tell you about how Leah and I are friends now, did I?"

I whirled around, pinning him with a glare. "No, I don't remember that coming up."

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