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        I won’t let go of you. I’ll never let go of you. And that’s a promise I’ll hold onto and keep forever.

      That was probably half of the truth of what I said there. True, I did keep my promise. But what exactly did I mean by ‘half of the truth’? Now that’s for you to find out…

      I lay down at my mat and I closed my eyes. Thinking how I’ve always loved the summertime in Santa Monica beach. The sound of waves, seagulls and kids playing kick ball in the sand. It even smells like the associated scent of summer sun tan lotion. Sigh. Never ending California Summer. Everything just felt so perfect and happy. Just like any other day in Southern California.

But for me, nothing seems perfect and happy anymore. The sun may shine down upon me with its radiant rays of sunshine, the friendliest of friendly smiles may appear from every stranger’s faces that I pass by and the joy and laughter of families may be floating in the air. In spite of all that, how can I ever be happy anymore when one side of my heart is missing?

       I stood up sitting on my mat and I rolled up the sleeves of my thin blue, cotton polo shirt. I fiddled with the pen on my hand and tapped my fingertips on my black, leathered book. I just stared down blankly at the empty pages of my book and I can imagine her wrapping her arms around my chest. She would always smell like as if she took a bath thrice in a day.

So fresh and so warm, her chest rising and falling as she slowly breathes. She would bury her head on my chest or my neck and lay there for a very long time.

My cheeks began to drench with tears and I brushed it roughly with the back of my hand. I took my pen and then I started writing…

I never really left you nor did I let go of you but it was you who decided to leave me.

She may have broken the deepest spot where all my love for her is in stored. Through it all, I believe that everything has a reason. And that maybe, just maybe, there was something more to that… something more to everything.

And this is how the story begins...

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