
Tyler walked out of the school with his head down. He looked up when he heard Josh's voice. Josh walked up to him with a grin, "hey, Tyler."

Tyler smiled with furrowed eyebrows, "didn't you get out of school a couple hours ago?"

Josh shrugged, "ya, but I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out at my house to study. And by study I mean just kinda talk."

Tyler bit his lip, "ya, but will you be able to drop me back off at my house by six? I have to get ready for the movies."

Josh gulped and smiled, "ya."

Tyler smiled, "great."

Tyler raced to Josh's bike, eager to ride it. He let josh get on before hopping onto the front handles. Josh smiled, "ready?"

Tyler nodded, "ya."

Josh rode out of he parking lot and down the street. Tyler grinned and let out a laugh. Josh grinned at Tyler's excitement. The ride was silent, the two just enjoying the wind blowing. When they reached Josh's house Tyler got off with a sigh. He followed josh up the walk way and opened the door.

Josh was immediately engulfed in a hug by his younger brother. Josh let out a chuckle, "hey, Jordan. Are you feeling any better?"

Josh placed his hand on Jordan's forehead. Jordan grinned, "ya. Mamma gave me some medicine."

Josh looked passed the doorway, "is she home right now?"

Jordan nodded, "ya!"

He ran off calling out for his mother. Josh turned to Tyler with a smile, "that's just my dither. I have two sisters, but their still on their way home. My dad went to pick them up."

Tyler smiled as they walked in. "How old is your brother?"

"Jordan is ten. Ashley is sixteen and Abigail is eight."

Tyler nodded as he examined the house.

Jordan came back tuning with his mother. "Mamma! Josh brought home a friend!"

Tyler smiled nervously as Josh's mom smiled at him, "well, I don't think I know you?"

Josh rolled his eyes, "Jesus, mom, that's one way to welcome someone."

Laura let out a laugh, "forgive me, I've been running around today and I'm drained."

Tyler let out a nervous laugh, "i-its fine. Im Tyler."

Laura smiled, "nice to meet you, darling. Feel free to call me Laura."

She then gasped and turned to Josh, "wait, so this is Tyler."

Josh quickly let out a dramatic laugh, "okay, mom. Tyler and I are going upstairs now."

Before Laura could say anything, josh was dragging Tyler up the stairs and into his room. Tyler looked around, "nice room."

Josh grinned. "Whatever, it's nothing cool," he mocked Tyler form when they first went to Tyler's house.

Tyler rolled his eyes, "ha ha, very funny."

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